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  1. bmac_2727

    HELP!!!! Hammer coral is dying.....

    My A/C unit in my house crashed on me while I was gone over the weekend. When I came back my house was at 97 degrees so I ran to my tank and found the water temp to be at 92. I got my A/C fixed ASAP and it appears everything is fine except for my hammer. It has shriveled up and has like a mucus...
  2. bmac_2727

    Sabae Anemone??

    ya i was thinking the same thing you just told me. I have just seen some in pics of nano's and I have a pair of maroon clowns i wanted to host the anemone. Granted that there is no telling if the clowns would even host it I think it would be cool to try but not at the expense of it dying or...
  3. bmac_2727

    Fairly New to Saltwater, and Having Problems Right and Left!

    Well first things first. Welcome to the forum. I know exactly what you are going through. I have wasted hundreds of dollars rushing into this hobby and just buying whatever I wanted when I wanted it and paid the price for it time and time again. You seem to be learning really quick but this is...
  4. bmac_2727

    Sabae Anemone??

    Hey just curious would the stock lighting of a JBJ support a sabae anemone?? Also SWF says they are peaceful so does that mean they would be okay to put in my "reef" without having to worry about killing my other coral? The stock lighting is the 2x 24W 50/50.
  5. bmac_2727

    How do I care for these?

    Just a suggestion but I personally love the Hammer Coral. It has a lime greenish base and pink tops. It is fairly easy to care for and I would recommend it. Just moderate flow and moderate light will be just fine. The do eat micro plankton and marine snow but you can get that at any LFS and it...
  6. bmac_2727

    Coral questions>>

    okay well seems how i got some attention I might as well turn this into a thread. So I am looking for something to take up some open space. Any suggestions?? I was also thinking about getting a bubble for my pair of clowns to see if they would host, any opionion's??
  7. bmac_2727

    Coral questions>>

    well i took another test of the calcuim levels and it is still around 500ppm. I am going to just let it lower itself over time and bring it down a bit. I guess I am going to move around the rock a little and try to get the polyps a little closer to the light and see what happens. Its just that...
  8. bmac_2727

    Coral questions>>

    I was hoping that isn't what was going on with them. I would get some MH lights but I am working with the JBJ 12G DX and I think the DIY project would really just be more trouble than whats its worth. I am in the process of saving up for a 75g and the MH's are definetly going on that one. With...
  9. bmac_2727

    Coral questions>>

    I bought some yellow polyps from my lfs about a week ago. When I bought them they were bright yellow under her MH lights. Now I have noticed they are slowly starting to turn more brown than yellow but the button in the center is still very vibrant. I am only running 2 24W 50/50 lights. Is the...
  10. bmac_2727

    My 12 gallon JBJ Nano Cube.

    I really just want xenia, some more mushrooms, some ricordia and then i am open for other options. Kinda having an issue with an algea outbreak right now so I think it would be best to leave it alone for a little while. What would you reccommend?
  11. bmac_2727

    My 12 gallon JBJ Nano Cube.

    I really like what you have done with you tank. I'm trying to do something similar but staying on the sps side of the house. Honestly not even sure of the differences between sps and lps. What would you recommend to a new reef guy. I have always done fish only but I got a jbj 12 to try it out
  12. bmac_2727

    MY new JBJ 12 Gal DX

    So me and my wife went on a little adventure to the LFS. Well she saw this huge tomato clown she just couldn't leave the store without owning. Well I had a huge problem with this considering those fish have a rep of being bullies. So I saw this as an opportunity to get me a new tank and she...
  13. bmac_2727

    Whats wrong with my perc???

    I bought this pair of clowns about 2 weeks ago now. I picked them up becuase they won't leave each others side and do everything together. Lately one of them just dwells at the bottom of the tank in their "spot" and doesn't move. The last three days I haven't seen him eat anything and doesn't...
  14. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    I'm pretty sure I am jsut going to start over and go completely with RO water and start the cycle process all over again becuase this is getting outta control. Thank you guys for all your help and input and You should be happy to know my fish is now getting more sutrients than that of a potato chip.
  15. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    I went down to the lfs and bought these frozen cubes of marines cuisine and some nassarius snails but they didn't have any cerith. I was also adding trace elements to the water but I also can't find a test kit for iodide or anything else listed on the back of that bottle so I will stop adding it...
  16. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    the light I could be wrong with the 50/50, it is a compact for sure ( not that stupid) but one half is blue (actinic) and the other is white. Not sure if it is 10000k or 7500k. That is why i call it a 50/50
  17. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    forgot to mention i feed a mixture of flake and frozen brine shrimp to the chromis, i only have one fish becuase the other two died during the cycle, just haven't got around to get more untill I get this figured out and see what I need to improve on
  18. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    Still kinda a rookie at all this so I hope i list it all right. As far as the tank goes it is a Eclipse 12 by Marineland i bought at ***** from Instant ocean. The filter is just the one it came with and as far as light goes it is a 50/50 compact. I just have fiji live rock and a few chromis to...
  19. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    this is what i have been talking about......don't know what it is. As far as flow goes i really don't think that is the prob, I have two powerheads in this little 12 gal nano.
  20. bmac_2727

    algea I.D.????

    ya its all over my substrate. I use crushed coral instead of sand and it forms a layer almost like a thin sheet and then it grows like a fine hair all over the place. It is also a very dark black. I am going to do a water change on it today but before i do I will take a pic of this "stuff" so...