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  1. kartrax

    Hiding Canary Wrasse

    Don't go hunting for him! He has only been in since Sunday. Let him settle down and come out when he is ready.
  2. kartrax

    bi-color blenny

    Did the color return after the lights were on for a while? It is normal for fish to change color when the lights are out. The color returns after the fish wake up.
  3. kartrax

    Sunburst Anthias

    Anyone else have experience with Sunburst Anthias?
  4. kartrax

    Sunburst Anthias

    Thanks for the info so far. Ron's Saltwater Heaven has one in stock right now. It is very expensive. I'm still considerning getting it. Rob
  5. kartrax

    Sunburst Anthias

    Does anyone have any experience with a Sunburst Anthias? Also known as a Fathead Anthias? Scientific Name: Serranocirrhitus latus I know they are expensive, but I need to know how hard they are to keep? How big do they get? As well as anything else you can tell me about them. Rob
  6. kartrax

    Does anyone have info on a batfish

    Orbic Batfish are the easiest to keep. I had one for 7 years. He was the side of a nickle when I bought him, and ended up being the size of a baketball. You need a good sized tank, I would recommend over 100 gallons. Batfish have great personalities. I became as attached to mine as someone...
  7. kartrax

    How to get tanks to eat lettuce?

    Don't feed lettuce! It has no nutritional value at all. If you want your tang to stay healthy, give it a varitey of foods, but stay away from lettuce!
  8. kartrax

    True or False

    I agree it would be a good idea to wait before you add any angel to a tank, because you should make sure the water stays stabilized for a few months before adding anything delicate to it. Also, if you are new to the hobby, you would gain more experience before spending the money on an...
  9. kartrax

    lateral line diesease

    Soak some food in Boyds VitaChem, then feed it to your fish. VitaChem is high is many vitamins, including vitamin C. This should help with lateral line disease.
  10. kartrax

    So how long have your fish lived?

    Maroon Clown for 9 years and Orbic Batfish for 7 years. Coral Beauty Angel 3 years. Those are the longest.
  11. kartrax

    Butterflyfish in a small tank

    Yeah, you are right. I am trying to get the money together to get a larger tank. I have been in the hobby for a number of years and kept butterfly fish in a 110 gallon tank when I was in high school. Hopefully I will get enough money to purchase a 55 gallon and start over again. Rob
  12. kartrax

    They can live much longer

    Hey nice to meet you! Are there any good SW fish stores in your area? I am just getting back into the hobby. I formerly had a 110 gallon FO tank that I gave away when I graduated from high school and moved out of my parents house. I am getting the money together to start a 55 gallon FO...
  13. kartrax


    I had an Orbic Bat in a 100 gallon tank for 8 years. I kept him with a few Butterfly fish, a Maroon clown, and a few gobies. Batfish grown VERY fast. Make sure you don't have any sharp decorations for yours to get his fins ripped on. They make great pets! Good luck!
  14. kartrax

    They can live much longer

    The above message deals with the lifespan of an anemonie from a previous post.
  15. kartrax

    They can live much longer

    Contact Ron Hunsicker at Saltwater Heaven (570) 321-7333. He has a long tentacle anemonie that he's had since I started visiting his store almost 7 years ago. It all depends on the conditions and care you give it. I'm sure Ron would let you know what you need to do to keep yours alive for a...
  16. kartrax

    Butterflyfish in a small tank

    Would it be fair to keep a Kline's Butterfly fish in a 10 gallon fish only tank? This tank has been set up for about a year and holds a firefish goby right.