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  1. saltfin

    Yellow Cucumber 1/3 and 2/3 split -Help

    Bump - Ok Fine -don't answer
  2. saltfin

    Yellow Cucumber 1/3 and 2/3 split -Help

    A month ago I got a Yellow Cucumber. He doesn't move to far but did go from the sand up 3 inches to a rock overhead and seemed to like it there. It stretches longer to shorter and tenticles sometimes out sometimes not. Color seems nice and yellow and from a good store. No one bothers it. Anyway...
  3. saltfin

    Yellow Cucumber Split 1/3 and 2/3 Help

    A month ago I got a Yellow Cucumber. He doesn't move to far but did go from the sand up 3 inches to a rock overhead and seemed to like it there. It stretches longer to shorter and tenticles sometimes out sometimes not. Color seems nice and yellow and from a good store. No one bothers it...
  4. saltfin

    Oh Great ! !

  5. saltfin

    Oh Great ! !

    So just over a month ago I put 2 freshwater black mollies into my soon to become 10 Gal. Quarantine Tank -right. I kept adding salinity slowly turning them into saltwater fish as I also began the Nitrite cycling. Presto I've got 4 saltwater babies. Darn those silly mollies. Since I only need...
  6. saltfin

    formula 1 frozen cubes

    I have sort of a half plastic cup I mix my mysis shrimp and formula one in with 2 drops of garlic extract per teaspoon. I get about half a jigger of main tank sw in cup, break off mysis hunks add a couple of form. one chunks - let all thaw out the first time by hanging cup about half an inch...
  7. saltfin

    Feather duster

    My 2 Yellow tangs used to pick at my Feather dusters tubes I thought for algae. But they got a taste for the tubes and would eat them also. One morning I found one worm with feathers still attached but both ripped out of the tube. Just was squirming around laying in the sand. I thought about...
  8. saltfin

    Kent TECH-CB ???

    Kip I just saw your new av. Really chuckled Great Idea.:D
  9. saltfin

    What's the scoop on sponges??

    Sorry wrong button:
  10. saltfin

    What's the scoop on sponges??

    Strange we are now 2 posts apart. My sponge was in FOWLR for a couple years then I decided to get into ls and do some soft corals brighten up my lighting and add better water flow. Naturally I'm even more interested in my orange tree sponge. It's got algae on it and have shrank but is still...
  11. saltfin

    What's the scoop on sponges??

    Do many people get them? Do they come in a lot of colors? Will they grow very well? Are they treated pretty much like soft corals? :notsure:
  12. saltfin

    anybody like sponges?

    OOps here's the pic
  13. saltfin

    anybody like sponges?

    This is my poor guy- It's about 2 years old -Didn't used to have any light and was in a fish only tank. I've upgraded everything since - lights, water flow, water chemistry you name it. I hope to get it into better health.:joy:
  14. saltfin

    How to frag a Colt Coral

    thanks for the help. Now I just gotta wait to see if it grows.:jumping:
  15. saltfin

    anybody like sponges?

    I have an Orange sponge attached to a small rock. the sponge is about the size of a quarter now.. I have it's rock in the sand. If I put hardly any flow on it I think the sand will turn into a storm. Maybe I should take it out and set up on rocks????? At least for now??:notsure:
  16. saltfin

    How to frag a Colt Coral

    thanks I try it later as you said. I guess after the cutting you put the coral back into the main tank? or are you heating the bowl of water as it stays there for the 3 wks? See how new I am at this..
  17. saltfin

    How to frag a Colt Coral

    I saw yur post shrimp and the plastic toothpicks into the colt but is the colt glues to a rock?? Can't tell. Maybe a little word description and How do you know when it is time to frag? Thanks
  18. saltfin

    Salt buildup on MH bulb what to do?

    :D Me Too but only once Daaaa
  19. saltfin

    How to frag a Colt Coral

    So if I wanted to Frag this Colt - How exactly would I do this? I guess an exacto knife then what , Under water, where to cut then glue or rubberband to a lr - where to cut it?? Is there a post I should read??:notsure:
  20. saltfin

    anybody like sponges?

    What is the best way to keep off the algae??