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  1. taku

    why is it that you can convert mollies?

    I added several "fat" mollies to my 120 reef and noticed they did an excellent job on the algea... they even picked the dark green algea off a chili coral and it opened up fully afterwards. That was the first 2 days they were in the tank... after that the 6-line wrasse picked on them too much so...
  2. taku

    Mail order corals and fish

    along with this site... I've ordered live goods from ***********.com and with no complaints
  3. taku

    1970's tank

    <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> cool!
  4. taku

    The Aquacontroller by Neptune

    I've read these are pretty handy and accurate little machines. Does anyone have one, and if so, how do you like it? I love the features it provides.. if nothing else, for when we go on vacation.
  5. taku

    Latest Reef Pics

    SWEET! I'm glad you did NOT buy the 55K or 65K! Since I did.. I've been talking myself into just dropping some cash for the 10-12K's as well.
  6. taku

    Have you ever considered....

    Speeding is illegal too but more than 50% of us do that too :) ....I know it's illegal. I'm asking if you've thought about doing it? :) I'm pretty good business buddies with one of the lfs guys was he recently told me he was thinking of making a trip over to the coast <img...
  7. taku

    Strange worm with hard body!! What is it??

    Not to worry they are a nice addition to your reef tank. I have several as well. Here's more information on them: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  8. taku

    Have you ever considered....

    going diving off the coast and bringing back a coral or two for yourself? I would feel bad taking coral from the ocean myself. If anything, I'd rather get lr and ls and leave the corals/fish be. Just curious if you've thought about it and what your reasons were for or against it.
  9. taku

    Latest Reef Pics

    Holy crap mang! Can you send some pods this way? :D Looks great! I can't wait to see it with all the new lr also! What halides at what kelvin did you end up ordering?
  10. taku

    ATTN Orlando, FL folks....

    WOW this turned out to be a very informative thread! Thank you all :D
  11. taku

    12000K MH ??

    So a 10K supplimented with actinics would be brighter and more blue than a 12K only?
  12. taku

    OFF TOPIC: The Osbournes

    They chucked an old nasty ham over their fence at their neighbors! heros :D
  13. taku

    ok, can someone tell me the right tag to post.

    if you know what the URL is to the picture.. then put these tags on the front and back of the image... no spaces
  14. taku

    Kepping low light corals with MH

    I also have a 120 gallon with 2 250w MH's and 192w PC actinic-only and the shrooms love it. They are all about mid-level in the tank
  15. taku

    10 gallon nano

    If you buy captive bred Sea Horses, they are all already trained to eat mysis. Only problem is sea horses don't take well to wide tanks.. they prefer more up and down, like a 20 gallon tall. In fact I believe 20 gallon tall tanks are the smallest recommended size for them, because drastic...
  16. taku

    ATTN Orlando, FL folks....

    I know there aren't many Orlando folks here.. but there are a few. TTT for the afternooners :) Last time :)
  17. taku

    ATTN Orlando, FL folks....

    Thank you anyways, Saltylake. :) I'm beginning to wonder if it's just a figment of everyone's ~wishful thinking~ imagination :D I did hear it's out on Colonial somewhere.. but I'm not about to drive for miles and miles trying to find it :)
  18. taku

    ATTN Orlando, FL folks....

    I've heard of a place called "the aquarium" here in Orlando and have yet to find it. I looked online @ <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and ran a search but couldn't find it there or in the yellow pages. I'm thinking they may spell the name different. Regardless I...
  19. taku

    Booo on pets warehouse !!!

    I would like to stress that <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a> are two entirely different companies!!!!!!! Thank you, carry on :)
  20. taku

    if you have a firefish click here please...

    How do people end up with mated pairs of fish... do they just buy them from the lfs or do they drop several fish in and see what happens? I'd prefer to have 3 in my 120 (2 purple / 1 red) but I won't subject a fish to being tortured by other fish. Would they get along with each other?