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  1. sharon

    What will eat brissel worms?

    All dottybacks, or just some of them?? Sharon
  2. sharon

    Cluster duster

    Thanks guys. I certainly don't want to damage the little guys. I will get a small piece of rock and put it in there. I am sure that sooner or later, they will start growing on it, and then I can put it in the other tank. Sharon:)
  3. sharon

    Cluster duster

    Hi all. I have quite a few, I guess they're called cluster dusters, in my one tank. They're not real big, but very pretty. Well, I was wondering how I might be able to move a few to another tank. I only have them in this one tank, and I would like to get some started in another tank. They are...
  4. sharon

    Had to share!

    I didn't see him molt. Must've done it at night. I also have some sort of crab that came in with live rock in anothe tank. He's moltd like 3 or 4 times. If not for that, I wouldn't see him at all, cause he stays hidden in the rock. Try not to frek out to much, cause it looks like you have a...
  5. sharon

    Had to share!

    Just had to share this with someone that would understand. I looked in my tank yesterday AM, and thought at first that my coral banded shrimp had died. Then, I realized that there were an awful lot of antennea floating around in there. Well, he had molted. I was very pleased. He appears to be...
  6. sharon

    Sea Lettuce??

    Not wanting to sound dumb or anything....but why would most people be trying to get rid of it??:confused: Sharon
  7. sharon

    Sea Lettuce??

    I have some "sea Lettuce" in one of my tanks. I purchsed it from Seahorse Farms, but there doesn't seem to be any way of anchoring it so it stays put. It appears to be doing well, but it kind of just goes where it wants. I would like to put it somewhere and have it stay there. Any ideas? Sharon
  8. sharon

    Dip for plants

    Been a while since I visited here. I have a plant that I want to take from one tank, and put it in a different tank. The tank the plant is in now has a fair amount of bristle worms. Not sure what this plant is, but I know it is not caulerpa. Is there anything I can do to make sure there are no...
  9. sharon

    Which one is culprit??

    Good news!! The feather duster is still there. I guess he just wasn't showing himself much the last couple of days. But I saw him last night, so I guess those two guys have gotten a reprieve. No one will be going to lfs, yet. Sharon
  10. sharon

    What were t hey doing??

    Thanks. I kind of thought that is what they were doing. But I wanted to be sure. Also, I worry about stuff harming the dwarf seahorses. Thanks again. Sharon:) Sharon
  11. sharon

    What were t hey doing??

    OK. I have these 2 snail looking things in my 5 gal. tank. They only have what looks like a little cap of a shell and they can kind of stand up and reach to get to another spot. Any how. I was checking the tank a little while ago, and one was up on the lr, and the other one was almost on the...
  12. sharon

    Which one is culprit??

    Well, since I don't (like maybe once) ever see the star fish on the lr, I guess maybe it is the huge hermit crab. Will keep a close eye on it before I decide what to do with it. Sharon
  13. sharon

    Which one is culprit??

    I think I know the answer to this, but I wanted the opinions from you guys here. I HAD a nice feather duster growing in my 20 gal. tank. There are 2 clownfish, 1 choco.chip star and the hermit crab on steroids. The feather duster is gone!! So I am wondering which one did it. The hermit crab or...
  14. sharon

    Hermit crab on steroids???

    Just how big do these guys get?? I had a small hermit crab. Then he went looking for a new shell. He picked out kind of a large one (for the size he was then). Well, he looks like he's on steroids or something. He has grown quite large. Should I be worried. So far he hasn't bothered the clown...
  15. sharon

    Overgrown caulerpa

    Thanks guys. I didn't know if there was any special way I should do this. But I will take the scissors and snip away!! Then throw it out as I don't have any fish that will eat it. Thanks again. :D
  16. sharon

    Overgrown caulerpa

    Could use some help here, please. I had a handful of caulerpa in a 5 gal. tank. I have a small catalina goby and 2 dwarf seahorses in there also. Ammonia 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates 5. Well, the caulerpa is growing like crazy, so I was wondering the best way to take some out. Do I just reach in...
  17. sharon

    Waht kind of crab is this???

    I was looking in my 20 gal. tank today and found a crab. I didn't put him in there. Must've come in on the lr. Anyway, it had molted, so all I had was the empty shell. It was about the size of a dime, but more oval shaped. Kind of an off-white color, with pinky-beige mottling. Anyone know what...
  18. sharon

    Strange inhabitants in our tank!!!

    I have them, also. I read somewhere that they are a good sign. Simple filter feeders. Don't remember what they are called. But they are harmless. Sharon :D
  19. sharon

    Advice, please..

    About a week ago, I bought a little piece of something that looked like a small tree branch, to put in with dwarf seahorses. Well, it has a polyp growing on it. I don't have fancy lighting on the seahorse tank. So, should I put this "branch" with the polyp in my 20 gal. tank?? I have about 10...
  20. sharon

    Is this a hydroid??

    By the way, I was going to put a pair of dwarf seahorses in here, (it's a small 5 gal. tank) and was told hydroids will kill them. Anyone ever hear of this?? Do hydroids hitch hike in on lr?? Sharon <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />