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  1. danfishman2

    Schooling fish are awesome!

    Bang Guy y not have 4 chromis i have 4 and have had no problems?
  2. danfishman2

    Schooling fish are awesome!

    i have 4 black axil chromis, they r so cool they follow each other around all the time!
  3. danfishman2

    Feeding Butterflies

    I bought it online from a reputable dealer. He is eating brine shrimp, but this can't be a long term solution, what else may tempt him. Also, would it eat the larger apistia.
  4. danfishman2

    Feeding Butterflies

    I am trying B.S. this afternoon,I got it too eat apistasia, but no sign of that yet. He has been in there for about 2 days.
  5. danfishman2

    Feeding Butterflies

    I am trying to acclimatize a margined butterfly, can't get him too eat, any help
  6. danfishman2

    raccoon butterflyfish

    Yeah I want to get one to get rid of apistasia
  7. danfishman2

    Flase Percula Clown

    Yeah I want to get a pair of tiny ones, they are so cool do you have an anemone.
  8. danfishman2

    lunar wrasse gone crazzy

    I got a Lunare Wrasse. He is so coo;, and always moving. There a great fish I think and dosn't bother any of my fish.
  9. danfishman2

    Flase Percula Clown

    What r the scientific names.
  10. danfishman2

    Flase Percula Clown

    What is the difference between False Percula and Percula clown as I have heard both. Which is the hardier one and if you have a pair do they need a anenome.
  11. danfishman2

    Getting Ripped Off Down Under

    How much do u pay for a purple tang, they cost AUS$240, which is $110 US. I then looked at a yellow, they are AUS$120, which is $60 US. How much do you pay on average for these fish?
  12. danfishman2

    CLoudy Eye

    I don't have a hospital tank but my main tank is 180 gal, 150 LR, 100 LS and the tablets were some sodium thing. I do water changes every 3 weeks, about 10%. I have a Lunare Wrasse which I got at the same time, it has cleared up so I guess I will just have to wait.
  13. danfishman2

    CLoudy Eye

    I have a Doouble Barr Spinefoot who I bought on line. When I got it, it had fairly cloudy eyes. It eats well, gets a little harrassed by a Ring tailed Surgeonfish, but holds its own (isn't chased, only when its Nori feeding time) but I can't seem to clear his eyes, water condition is fine. Is...
  14. danfishman2

    Lunare Wrasse, CBS and Bicolor Dottyback

    I currently have a small Lunare wrasse (4 inches)and a bicolor dottyback and I am getting a CBS on the weekend. I have heard the L W and B D cause problems to shrimp but also that CBS are aggressive towards some fish, would I be looking at a WWIII and a big mistake or will they get along because...
  15. danfishman2

    People with 180 gal.

    Just wondering how you people stocked your tank?
  16. danfishman2

    Hammer Throwing Shrimp Attacking My Tank

    At the moment he seems harmless and is not capable of hurting me, because he hit me when I rescued a hermit. I have grown to like me and can't get him out but will try hyposalinity, then either boiling water or soda. He has blocked his hole up with rocks, do they usually do this, they are...
  17. danfishman2

    Hammer Throwing Shrimp Attacking My Tank

    Just found out what it is, a Mantis Shrimp. Are these dangerous and should I take it out.
  18. danfishman2

    Hammer Throwing Shrimp Attacking My Tank

    I have just seen this shrimp wierd looking bug, about 2 inches long attack my hermit crabs. It sits in a hole and waits for the hermit to go past. It then grabs and uses a hammer type of appendage to knock a hole in the shell. Does anyone know what this is and if it is a threat to the fish and...
  19. danfishman2


    Can a Coral Banded Shrimp and cleaner shrimp co-exist in a 150 gal (going to 180)tank all will there be trouble.
  20. danfishman2


    What fish will get rid of these nasty buggers, they are getting pretty large now. Please help, I am not getting any replys :(