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  1. ijeh99

    Chocolate starfish falling apart but alive!

    When should I consider throwing out the starfish - how much of it will crumble away? Does it desintegrate to nothing if it is ill? Thank you for your comments.
  2. ijeh99

    Chocolate starfish falling apart but alive!

    I have had this starfish for over a year - I'm surprised that now it doesn't like something I'm doing. I am still wondering if it will be okay once when it gets out of shock?!
  3. ijeh99

    Chocolate starfish falling apart but alive!

    Please tell me why my starfish is starting to crumble as of today from the tips? How may I rectify it so it doesn't totally fall apart? Is there a chance of recouperating? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.:(
  4. ijeh99

    how does one raise mysis shrimp?

    I have tried at least half a dozen times to raise these shrimps and no success. I tried with boiled water standing a few days and then put the eggs in. I tried from the tap and let the water sit before the yummy eggs on in. And even water from the fish tank. What am I doing wrong?!
  5. ijeh99

    Raspberry Pseudochromis and what is compatible?

    I believe the tank is 25g. I wasn't sure about the percs as I heard there can be problems. That is why I asked if the second perc coming into a tank has to be smaller.
  6. ijeh99

    Raspberry Pseudochromis and what is compatible?

    I would like to have three fish in total. That just may be a dream if I cannot have another fish. I have 1 raspberry pseudo and 1 true percula clownfish. I have cc on the bottom of my aquarium (I will one day change it when time permits). I want a fish that is easy to take care as my current...
  7. ijeh99

    Anyone have any experience with Chocolate Chip Star Fish

    My chocolate starfish love to eat snails. If they are in the way of it skimming the bottom - it eats them up pretty quickly. It ate 6 in two days. Expensive taste.
  8. ijeh99

    Ideas on new fish

    I agree about finding fish that won't grow more than 3" in a small tank. I have two fish and I just keeping it that way. They have lots of space to swim and they are happy.
  9. ijeh99

    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    I have a chocolate chip - he was great for about four months and then he went snail crazy. He ate 6 snails in 2 days beside other food that I would put right beside him. It took him two weeks to be satisfied before he headed up on the glass to stick there until I guess it gets hungry again. I...
  10. ijeh99

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    Does it like human hands? I haven't died yet . . . I guess I should make sure I wash my hands more often.
  11. ijeh99

    Beth, Ophiura: Crinoid feather star

    I am just wondering if you highly recommend returning a feather starfish? I am so happy you posted the COMATULID WEBSITE. It was very interesting to read. It does sound it is a lot of work. I do not want to keep something that eventually will die - it is too heartbreaking.
  12. ijeh99

    Basket Starfish - looks like a green fern

    The LFS thinks that I am able to keep it - they have faith in me as they know I have a conscience of killing a living animal. I am determined to return it back and the LFS told me to keep it for a week and see if I will change my mind. At least I am able to enjoy the beauty of it before it...
  13. ijeh99

    Basket Starfish - looks like a green fern

    When I bought the starfish they said it was a 'basket starfish' but i did some research and finally came to the conclusion it is a 'feather starfish'. It swims so beautifully when it was in the bag coming home. It has found a home on a rock and it is totally awesome to look at. I do not want...
  14. ijeh99

    Basket Starfish - looks like a green fern

    Thanks to all who responded. It looks like it should go back - but it is so pretty to look at. Oh well.
  15. ijeh99

    favorite fish

    rapberry dottyback - it is fun to watch it bug the camelback shrimp.
  16. ijeh99

    Basket Starfish - looks like a green fern

    I have had this tank for over a year. I do not have mysis shrimp (even though I have no problems raising them) and copehods (spelling?) swimming around. Should I really consider returning it. It is difficult to really know if this feathered friend would eat my 2 x 2" friends and my 2...
  17. ijeh99

    Basket Starfish - looks like a green fern

    Does any one know much information about this creature? I usually do research before I purchase one but I didn't - and now I'm wondering if I am going to regret it. The fish store told me I will not have problems with it - but now I wonder. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
  18. ijeh99

    buying another true percula clownfish

    Does anyone know if you buy a smaller one or a larger clownfish? I just remember it cannot be the same size. I know that it isn't a wise decision to put one in there - but I'm limited to what I can put into my aquarium. I have an existing clownfish and a raspberry pseuchromis (spelling is...
  19. ijeh99

    chocolate chip starfish question (of course)

    I have tried to fded it seaweed and shrimp pellets. It must have eaten lots before I got it - so I will give it time to adjust to the aquarium. I just wish it wouldn't put those feelers out so my fishies won't get attached to them by mistake.
  20. ijeh99

    chocolate chip starfish question (of course)

    I have had my starfish for a week now. It moves a lot. It doesn't want to eat anything I put near its mouth - it slowly makes the food slide off into the aquarium. The starfish seems to know when feeding time is for the fish - so it comes close to where I feed my little rascals and bends...