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  1. eslowfiddy

    OT: Octopussy Movie - James Bond

    Not that movies are any reflection of reality, but I taped this James Bond movie over the holidays. About 1 hour and 4 minutes in they show a fish tank stocked with: Several fish in the same tank with an octopuss. I thought octopuss was pretty much species only?
  2. eslowfiddy

    frozen cubes

    This is a very basic question, but since there are no directions.... Do you throw them in frozen or let them thaw a little first? I've tried it both ways and my fish don't seem to care one way or the other. If I let them totally melt, then they are basically only good for clouding the water.
  3. eslowfiddy

    PH Control

    get some ph buffer from your LFS. I had problems with my pH too until I added the buffer. It's been stable ever since.
  4. eslowfiddy

    Puffer Pimple??

    My puffer seems to be doing alot better now! :) The mound that was the pimple is almost flush with the rest of this body. I think it is healing well. The spot is getting smaller and the bulge has gone away. The spot is still a little dark, but I think with some time it will go away too.
  5. eslowfiddy

    Puffer not eating

    Have you tried soaking food in garlic? That usually seems to do the trick. My puffer also goes crazy for krill. Maybe you can try garlic soaked krill? -E
  6. eslowfiddy

    Puffer Pimple??

    I have a 125 as my main tank. I have a 30 long for a hospital/QT tank. I have a 30 breeder tank for aging water for water changes. (I hate breeder tanks but got it used for $10! :D ) I could stick him in the 30 long with the TetraTech power filter I have on it. Is there a specific kind of...
  7. eslowfiddy

    Foxface general questions

    Here are a few pictures. They are pretty during the day but look like death itself when stressed. Here is a normal foxface: Here is a fox face stressed: Here is one sleeping:
  8. eslowfiddy

    hang on skimmers any good?

    Just a word of warning about the Prisims, they are very loud. You might have better luck in the equipment forum. This question gets asked almost daily in there.
  9. eslowfiddy

    Mantis Any One Have One??

    One mantis in a 35? Wow that seems like overkill! That would be like giving a person their own planet to live on. lol :D $50 and a visit to your LFS and a mantis can be yours!
  10. eslowfiddy

    Foxface general questions

    I have my new foxface and love him so far! They are ugly when sleeping, but great to watch during the day. Mine is as active as a wrasse and constantly swimming all over. He's amazingly fast too! My asfur angel keeps nipping at him though. There are no big bite marks or anything but will this...
  11. eslowfiddy

    porcupine over fed?

    It sounds like a lot to feed at once. I have a 5" puffer and I don't feed him that much at once. I thow them in one at a time so he can finish one befire going on to the next. Otherwise you'll just end up with kill and shrimp all over the place. Keep a close eye on water quality too.
  12. eslowfiddy

    Puffer Pimple??

    The bump is still raised some but I think it is going away. The center of it is a pretty deep hole though where I can see pink/red flesh. I could probally put a BB in there! :( The bright pink/red is slowly fading in color and appears to be healing. It appears to be healing but I'm not sure...
  13. eslowfiddy

    Attn Beth :)

    Beth, Could you please take a look at my "Puffer Pimple??" thread? I've updated it with new pictures. The LFS is stumped as to what's going on and I'd hate to loose my favorite fish. :(
  14. eslowfiddy

    Puffer didn't eat snails!

    I have a masked dog face puffer. I figured that I'd give him a treat, so I bought two salt water snails. I think the girl said "anularius" ?? Anyway, I tossed them in the tank (the puffer saw me and got all excited) and the puffer just watched them hit bottom. I figured that a day later the...
  15. eslowfiddy

    Puffer Pimple??

    The piple has popped leaving a pink/red area and a recessed area in the middle of the mound that used to be the pimple. Any ideas what it was or if my puffer will be ok? He continues to be active and eats well. :) -E
  16. eslowfiddy

    Asfer Angel

    I did get my Asfur Angel today. He is so very cool. He is shy for an Angel, but he is so colorful vs. my dragon wrasse or mased puffer. I hope he acclimates ok! -E
  17. eslowfiddy

    Asfer Angel

    I'm not normally a fan of angel fish, but the LFS got in an Asfer Angel and I knew I wanted him. I did a search on and there was not a single post with the word "asfer". Are these fish unpopular or are they also called something else? Will he get along fine with my puffer, wrasse and...
  18. eslowfiddy

    AGA Plumbing Kit – worth $45?

    It really depends what you mean by worth it. I have a 125gallon AGA with two overflows. I got the kits but was kind of pissed to find out what I paid for. I paid 2 x $39.99 for what I could of got for less than $15 at Lowes or Home Depot. What you're really paying for is the convience of not...
  19. eslowfiddy

    Puffer Pimple??

    >Wow, kinda looks big. Has it grown, or does it >appear to be growing? It is a bump with the flesh >coving it, or is it raw fish. How does the site around >it look, normal or irratated? It's stayed the same size. It looks like raw fish to me. I don't think anything is under it. As crazy as it...
  20. eslowfiddy

    Puffer Pimple??

    here's a picture if it helps?? he's had it about a week now. :(