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  1. rmf

    Has anyone ever swapped to LS from CC and...

    I completely emptied the tank. I could not believe how dirty the cc was especially the part that was under the live rock. I could see why my nitrates were high. It was a good idea to clean it out.
  2. rmf

    Has anyone ever swapped to LS from CC and...

    I went from CC to LS. It wasn't bad at all as I took my time. I used Southdown and Natures Ocean. It makes the tank look alot better.
  3. rmf

    Has anyone ever swapped to LS from CC and...

    I just switched this weekend and have not had any problems yet. I checked my ammonia and nitrites a couple of times and got 0 readings. The tank looks so much cleaner.
  4. rmf

    Changed to DSB

    Can you please explain the detrivore kit Thanks
  5. rmf

    Changed to DSB

    I finally did it. I changed my 40 gal reef from cc to live sand. It was a chore, but it looks great. Thanks to all who gave me suggestions along the way including Mr Salty! Which are the best invertebrates and fish to get to help keep it clean and are enjoyable to watch in the sand. I...
  6. rmf

    long tenticle plate coral

    Can you please describe the freshwater dip procedure Thanks
  7. rmf

    Is this algae?

    I have a picture of what I am trying to describe. How do I insert a photo?
  8. rmf

    Is this algae?

    Makeup water is RO/DI. I have ordered new filters as they are 7 months old.
  9. rmf

    Is this algae?

    No, not slimy and no bubbles. It almost looks like very small wood chips with red in it
  10. rmf

    Is this algae?

    In my 40 gal tank at the office I have been getting what looks to be brown little patches with red in part of it. They are small and are covering my cc,lr and part of the glass. The bigger ones are approx 1/4" x 1/64" in size. I don't know if this is a form of algae, I am used to seeing hair...
  11. rmf

    Night Creature ID Please

    Doing some night watching, I found a black jelly like half-dollar size creature on a rock. I saw what looks to be 2 antenae coming out. I can not seem to find it anywhere. It kinda looks like a black inflated mushroom
  12. rmf

    How deep and how many lbs of live sand for 55ga.

    Can you forward the suggestions for changing from cc to sand? I am also thinking about doing that Thanks
  13. rmf

    Red Algae Help

    Calc is 500. Yes the vho is actinic. Do you have any suggestions for replacing the crushed coral for dsb? Thanks
  14. rmf

    Red Algae Help

    I have a 55 gal, started about 1 yr ago. I am getting red algae and bubbles all over my crushed coral and lr. My sal is 1.022, 0 nitrites, amm. Phos is lowered to .02 and nitrates at 10. A couple of weeks ago I added 2 x 175 MH with 2 110 actinic blue vho. My phosphates were high and my lfs...
  15. rmf

    Red Hair Algae, Uggg!!!

    I am also having a problem with red algae in my 55 gal. I am confused when you refer to bio wheel. I have a sump, but first the water goes through a bunch of bio balls before it hits the skimmer and sump. Is this what you are referring to?
  16. rmf

    Help with Lighting

    I picked up a MH fixture today with 2 175w and 2 x 110 VHO. The lighting is awesome! The corals love it already. I am looking for comments on the following: 1) The lighting fixture covers my entire top. Are there any secrets to adding chemicals and food without having to remove the fixture...
  17. rmf

    Help with Lighting

    Mr Salty: Do you feel that the heat from the MH will still be a big problem if I switch to 150 watts?
  18. rmf

    Help with Lighting

    Thanks for the reply. I am concerned about the heat off MHs. Is there anything drastically wrong in going with the PCs? My other concern is the depth of the MH fixture. I think it is a hair more in depth then my tank.
  19. rmf

    Help with Lighting

    I have a 55 gal tank and am pondering two lighting systems: 1) 4 x 96 = 384w PC 2) MH with 2 Actinic Bulbs I would like to be able to house pretty much any type of coral without another upgrade. The PC's would give me approx 7w per gallon and are about half the price of MHs. However, I am...
  20. rmf

    Algae Question

    I give the tank Micro Vert plus whatever food the fish don't eat ( brine and flake). Is there anything else I can add?