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  1. bking

    KH question

    kip, so what you are saying is that my level of cal at 500 and kh at 15 is ok?
  2. bking

    KH question

    I have been doing this hobby for a little while now,,but just recently got into corals,,I was advised to check my hardness level,,,(there's a good joke there) but anyhow...I bought the tester,, but it doesn't state anywhere what the level should be..all the guy at the store said, was that it...
  3. bking

    best TV show of all time...might be easier than the movie thread!

    old show.....THE FALL GUY,, about a stunt man,,, kinda like walker texas ranger was old
  4. bking

    Really random idea.

    I am surprised that no one has started selling hermits with advertising painted on their shells,,for saltwater or something,,that would be cool
  5. bking

    problem hair algae

    just a thought,,would a uv sterilizer help,,,I have a spare one of those also, and it works on my outside ponds with algae
  6. bking

    problem hair algae

    ok, I've been here before, my dad has a 75 gallon tank, 100 lbs live rock, with sand, and the hair algae is taking over again,,levels seem fine,,am at 0, trites at 0 and trates at 10,,checked the phosphates,,local store said they are ok,,,so where is this stuff coming from, using ro water..added...
  7. bking

    What is everyone's career?

    credit card collector for us bank...sorry if I've called anyone out there...
  8. bking

    Straight Question

    just for grims.....if you read on the salt bag, it says something about the salt disolving or getting rid of any chlorine(SP)...just my 2 cents worth
  9. bking

    alegae problem

    is your light new,, or have you added more? if so, it will take your tank time to get used to them,, I added a pc, and had an algae outbreak for about 2 weeks,,,then it stopped...
  10. bking

    Yellow Tang loosing its color

    is it just at night, or all the time,,if it is at night,,,they turn that color it seems when they get tired,,,or stressed I guess,,,I feed my algae paper,,or sheets,,I hang it under my magna float, and he pulls it from he eating any meat at all?
  11. bking

    new tank

    I cycled my first tank with damsels, so this is a new way for me,,,I guess a less death way,,for the fish at least
  12. bking

    new tank

    does there need to be live rock or sand in there already...
  13. bking

    new tank

    Hi, everyone,,,going to set up a new 30 gal FO tank,,,just had a question about the dead shrimp method of cycling the tank,,,how do I do it? just throw a dead one in,,from the store or a special shrimp or what?
  14. bking

    making asump or refug...

    Can this be done using a 10 gal and tubing and a pump to pump the water back up,,and can one be added to an existing tank,,,I really know nothing about it, but thought it might be a good way to get the stuff off the back of my I need to cycle it,,or how does it work,,,,thanks for the...
  15. bking

    Yellowtail damsel nesting?????

    funny man, i meant crushed coral...
  16. bking

    building a sump

    I f I wanted to build a sump, could I use an old 10 gal aquarium for a 46 gal bowfront,,,and how do i get it set up? what will I need? thanks,,,just trying to see how I can get everything off the back of my tank.. and, how would you connect one to an existing tank?
  17. bking

    Yellowtail damsel nesting?????

    mine do the same thing, but I don't think they are nesting, may just be a territorial thing,,,mine are at a stage now of moving rock all around the tank...good luck
  18. bking

    algae problem

    thanks for the advise, but unfortunatly, i already have a curley que anemone,,it is doing well so far,, but after looking at the pics on this site, I think I am doing something wrong,,,I don't have a lot of the colors on my rocks and such,,and my crushed coral and sand bottom is always in need...
  19. bking

    algae problem

    no, I have been scared to try them,, don't want to kill one, and not sure if my water is right yet...trying the anemone first
  20. bking

    algae problem

    I think you are right about that...I have a seperate light for the, can I leave the light off in my main tank , and that will take care of it?