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  1. wastnwages

    Indonesian Yellow tang

    yes I know I have alot of yellow it is my 4 yr olds fav color I found it under mimic tang. thanks guys
  2. wastnwages

    Indonesian Yellow tang

    Is this a Indonesian yellow Tang that is what the lfs told me?
  3. wastnwages


  4. wastnwages

    Glass or Acrylic?

    Just to let ya know yes they do scratch real easy i have both and know I scratched my first tank with a friggin paper towel wiping dust off and yes it was a clarity plus tank so yes they do scratch real easy
  5. wastnwages

    new 120 gallon for Christmas

    the 250s will probably be ok but I would go for the 400 watters especially with clams.
  6. wastnwages

    curing rock

    ummm love that smell of a sucessful cycling tank especially in the morning while my wife tries to cook:D
  7. wastnwages

    live rock

    Hi I wouldnt do any water changes just slows down the cycling time and I also wouldnt run the lights bacteria forms better in the dark and yes use the live rock to cycle it works great better than damsels:D
  8. wastnwages

    My tank

    Hi thanks guys appreciate the compliments well the tank is a 100 gal all glass tank with a 20 gal long sump/refugium under it I light my tank with 800 watts of metal halide and actinic flo lights, i have an excalibur skimmer and only use ro/di water with liquid calcium added kalkwasser is...
  9. wastnwages

    Test Kit problem

    go with what you have listed alot of the others are not really needed:)
  10. wastnwages

    My tank

    Here is my tank guys it is a 100 gal and I am working on a 90 now hope the pic shows up.:)
  11. wastnwages

    Tank Plans!

    Just remember with a reef tank that you add calcium to and have strong lights you get corraline algae growth which is hard to get off and you will scratch acrylic tanks trying to get it off thats why I bought a 100 glass tank:)