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  1. julius


    I have a coral hind grouper he's kinda lazy hiding out in the rocks until feeding time.
  2. julius

    starry trigger & v-tailed grouper

    That what is everybody is telling me but so far all is well. The Humu is the one start does the hit and running the undy usually stay hidden until feeding tyme
  3. julius

    starry trigger & v-tailed grouper

    I c he wasnt playing. I just bought one and a Starry Trigger to go along with my Rabbit Fish Humu trigger Undulated trigger and lunare wrasse. They are in a 125 for right know. I'm just hoping they can get along.
  4. julius

    starry trigger & v-tailed grouper

    Do any of you guys or gals have any of these fish inhabit your tanks
  5. julius

    So How many Diff. Animals do you have?

    5dogs 2cats and a 90al fowlr
  6. julius

    trigger info

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 There is no species of Trigger that's suitable for a 12gal. tank. The smallest species will grow to at least 10". And, most species grow quickly. Give it a little while. Soon, you'll have just the Undulate in the 90gal. I think they will be alright.
  7. julius

    trigger info

    I have a undulated and a humu and a rabbit fish in a 90gal.
  8. julius

    T-5 Lighting

    What kind of Corals can u kep with this type of lighting
  9. julius

    im pissed

    Temp is around norm now yea it was the heater
  10. julius

    im pissed

  11. julius

    im pissed

    I came home from work yesterday to find my tank at 90+degrees, My Dasmel and my Bursa was dead CHFS were breading heavy undulated was sorta alright. I just bought that bursa. This is the 2nd tyme this has happen to me in 2yrs the heater malfuntioned again First it was now reef now my FOWLR...
  12. julius

    Columbian hi fin sharks

    I have a Domino Damsel in there along with 2 triggers so far so good the CHFS they havent ate the damsel yet. They havent even taken a nip at him.
  13. julius


    I only kept 2 at a time I've had niger and a huma 2gether for 3yrs now I have a undulated and a bursa. Some ppl keep more depending on tank size.
  14. julius

    Columbian hi fin sharks

    Yea I have 2 of those the brackish ones they are about 8in in length,what is the total length that these guys get, So far they dont do to much damage as in rearranging the live rock. Those 2 can eat though they can suck down some shrimp.
  15. julius

    Favorite Aggressive fish

    I've had an angler,Niger,Humu,lionfishes scorpionfish all gone now but now I have a Bursa,undulated,2 columbian hi fin sharks and a domino damsel.
  16. julius

    Columbian hi fin sharks

    I Just aquired 2 of them for free anyone else have experience these fish.
  17. julius

    Large Blue Hippo Tang

    how much do you want for him. I'm not to far from denver.
  18. julius

    Moving Sale

    BTW He cannot get on the boards because he dont have a computer right now. I 've know the man for 10yrs he knows his stuff. All you can do is call him if you feel his prices is to high call him a make a deal with him. Like I said before its not my tank and i have no say so over it.
  19. julius

    Moving Sale

    listen man this is not a scam call the man if you have something to say. This is the last time I'm gonna say this call Anthony he's been in the hobby longer than I have so all ? must go directly to him. If you are not interested do not post please.
  20. julius

    Moving Sale

    Kadiya you can call him about the sand, he can tell you better I can about his individual pricing. Littlebuck I see what your saying but I cant make that call its not my tank. Just call him and find out it wont hurt to just check it out. Later Jay