Search results

  1. joesox

    bleaching coral

    As the water evaporates from your tank the salinity will rise. Make sure that you are using plain RODI water for topping off your tank, otherwise you will be continually adding salt to your tank. Also, Goniapora have a very poor survival rate in captivity, and clams require strong lighting to...
  2. joesox


    Nice picture Kip, thats exactly what it is. I suspected my blue leg hermits of taking out some of my snails but now I think this guy may be the culprit. He's going to go.
  3. joesox


    Hi all, I caught what I believe is a whelk roaming my reef. I think it probably should be removed but would like to know if anyone can ID it, or has any more info on it. It has a black probiscus with a white ring on the end of it, and small white speckles all over it. Thanks in advance.
  4. joesox

    coral beauty with corals?

    I have had my coral beauty in my reef for about two years and I have never seen him nip at any corals. With that being said, all fish have their own personallities, and you could get one that is not so nice! But IMO it is worth the risk because it is my favorite fish in my tank.
  5. joesox

    High Alk

    My Redsea test kit has the mil. eq. numerical value on the side of the box, but the insert lists only low, med, and high. Look there and you might be able to get a numerical value from it, it took me a while to figure this out.
  6. joesox

    Nightime pictures of creatures!

    Ok since no one else will post any night photos here is a worm type creature that comes out at night in my tank. I have not been able to ID it yet but I know i have at least two of them in my tank. What is showing in this picture is about three inches long.
  7. joesox

    I.d. ?

    No it doesn't have any shell at all. It just stays real close to the hole in the rock where it lives. I am also pretty sure that it is harmless, besides that it will push away anything that I try to place by it's hole.
  8. joesox

    I.d. ?

    I have been seeing this critter in my tank for about a year and a half now and was finally able to get a decent picture of it. I don't know if it is some kind of worm or a slug? Its underside is flat, kind of like a snail, and it only comes out at night. This picture was taken using the flash...
  9. joesox

    additives to reef tank.

    Thats the main reason I do not dose iodine. I didn't know strontium could also be poisonous?
  10. joesox

    additives to reef tank.

    Are you using Kent products? When I bought my aquadoser it came with a list of which additives can be mixed and which cannot. I have the list at home, so if you would like it I can scan it and post it for you tommorow. I checked their web site but it is not among their downloads. I dose...
  11. joesox

    Got the urge...

    OK here is my new mushroom rock, had it a few weeks and they are already growing. Not the greatest pic, but I just figured out how to resize them for the first time.
  12. joesox

    Nitrates high and low HELP

    The test kit that I have also has a low and high range on it, I can't remember what brand it is, but you read the low range, and if it reads above the top level of this range you retest it with a sample diluted with a certain amount of RO water. It took me a little while to figure this out but...
  13. joesox

    instant ocean

    The last two buckets that I purchased the pump was only about a third of the way down the bucket. If your lucky yours will be too.:)
  14. joesox

    movin:rubbermaid tubs safe??

    I use a 30 gallon rubbermaid to mix water for water changes, and have never had a problem with it. But I couldn't guarantee that they are all the same. LOL
  15. joesox

    Minnesota reefers

    I haven't been there yet, but someone I trust told me that forest lake pets is a good store to try. I am going to check it out soon, maybe this weekend.
  16. joesox

    VHO Bulbs

    Thanks NM reef Sounds like I am being a little over cautious on this. I will try letting them ride for 6 months and see how it goes.
  17. joesox

    VHO Bulbs

    How long are VHO bulbs good for? URI claims that thier bulbs are good for 8 months. I have been changing mine every 4 months, but I am thinking about stretching it out to 6 months. I do not have a tool to measure the light output of the bulbs and I am a little wary about doing this.
  18. joesox

    What happened to my Anenome

    I fed him small chunks of shrimp about once a week. I am sure that it was not waste, because I was used to cleaning the waste off of it with a baster, and they were perfectlly round little black "eggs" that were spewing from her like old faithful. I have 440 watts of VHO lighting on a 75...
  19. joesox

    What happened to my Anenome

    I have a 75g reef tank that has been set up for about 15 months now. One of the first inverts that I put in the tank was a green carpet amenome. It always appeared to be very healthy, and grew from about 4-5" diameter when I placed it in the tank, to about 12" diameter in about nine months...