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  1. karenjo

    Got any light upgrade pics?

    I know what you mean about staying in the shadows. Seems a lot of people around here don't really care that much. they seem to want to fight with BeaslBob than help fellow hobbyist. I can't help but wish I could. Carole is always so nice and helpful. Very pretty lady as well.:D
  2. karenjo

    Name change

    Wow, Thanks Kip I appreciate that. Geez so petty. I just asked for help. I thought this board was to help fellow hobbyist. I guess some do not. Oh yeah welcome to the real world right. Thanks anyway:mad:
  3. karenjo

    Emerald Crabs

    I have two and they like to hide. It's nice to see them every once in a while. I doubt they would eat your coraline.
  4. karenjo

    Name change

    Now that you mention it, I remember that Kipass to Kip. Help Kip please. Thank you.
  5. karenjo

    Name change

  6. karenjo

    My upgrade Pictures

    That oceanic tank looks great. Beautiful reef BTW.:D :D :D :D
  7. karenjo


    $75 is the minimum order that they will accept. Throw in a few clean up crew items and it isn't hard to reach $75 dollars.:cheer:
  8. karenjo

    Name change

    Bump for any of the moderators
  9. karenjo

    Strange fish

    Def sounds like time to quarrantine him before he wreaks havoc on your tank. If it has been 6 days and he still isn't exploring something has him scared IMO. Good luck with him.
  10. karenjo

    tank suggestions

    One lionfish ina 30 gal might be pushing it. Rule of thumb any fish that the lion can fit into his mouth will surely go there one day. Why not set up a small reef with reef safe fish. The boundaries are endless in this hobby. HTH:D
  11. karenjo

    5.5 gallon for QT

    IMO 5.5 is a little small for a quarantine even for small fish. Water changes may be a necessity for that kinda tank. A good twenty or 29 gal tank should do nicely though. :)
  12. karenjo

    Name change

    Is there a way that I can change my user name without losing my post numbers.
  13. karenjo

    Feather Dusters

    The foot I believe is the part opposite of the feathers. My feather duster hasn't moved in a year. HTH:D
  14. karenjo

    When to buy LR and LS?

    I ordered lr from this site about a year ago. i wanted it delivered on a certain day, so I e-mailed them and they took care of it for me. Freaked out my father-in-law when fed-ex knocked on his door at 9:00 a.m. HTH:D
  15. karenjo

    Adding Live Sand

    Add the water the live sand water is beneficial. HTH
  16. karenjo

    Quick question-Switching salt

    I have done it numerous times. No losses here. HTH
  17. karenjo

    Lighting Choices >>Need Your Help

    :notsure: Call me dumb if u will, but i dont understand retrofit kits. Can someone help?
  18. karenjo

    Lighting Choices >>Need Your Help

    Thanks all for your replies. Wish me luck. I think I'll need it.:notsure:
  19. karenjo

    Lighting Choices >>Need Your Help

    I cant find them. Ive looked and looked. Also, is 700 too much for the 175 watt combo?
  20. karenjo

    Lighting Choices >>Need Your Help

    Okay, Ive got a mature 55 gal aquarium set up with corals and fish but I want to get like a 75 or 90 in the near future. I am in the planning stages right now. I want a nice tank and oak stand and canopy. Right now I'm leaning towards the 72 gal bowfront. Can anyone suggest a set of lights...