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  1. northern_reefer

    is this a titan??

    I'll take a new picture my juv. titan. the trigger is much darker and looks very similar to my big titan. both have dark green eyes and a mustache. I have a picture of a juv. yellow-faced trigger, when I find it I'll post it. my titan triggers were sold as a starry trigger and a yellow-faced...
  2. northern_reefer

    Aggressive clean up crew

    the titan stacks the crabs with other baseball sized live rock near his cave. whenever they move he lunges at their claws and flips the shells over in search of food.
  3. northern_reefer

    New Juv. Starry Trigger (Abalistes stellatus)

    TangTang, the undulate(Balistapus undulates) and blueline(Pseudobalistes fuscus) are two seperate triggers. there's actually over thirty different triggers. I have a list of all of the triggers that I have been able to find on the net. 1.Starry triggerfish, Abalistes stellatus:D 2.Undulate...
  4. northern_reefer

    Titan Trigger Pics

    polarpooch, thanks for the compliments on my titans. it will be interesting to see how big they get. i've been studying acrylic fabrication and hope to start building a large(900G) "z" shaped tank for my big titan. he has so much personality.
  5. northern_reefer

    tank pics

    Your huma huma trigger is amazing!
  6. northern_reefer

    Aggressive clean up crew

    I have three of those blue eyed hermits. They're pretty cool, no match for big triggers. My big titan always carries the hermits around the tank. They are excellent sand filters for algae, however they don't eat meaty foods. They cost about $10
  7. northern_reefer

    I'm very mantis just died and I don't know why:(

    sorry to hear about your mantis. are you going to get another one?
  8. northern_reefer

    Titan Trigger Pics

    2.5-3 feet in the wild.
  9. northern_reefer

    New Juv. Starry Trigger (Abalistes stellatus)

    TangTang, I have nine independent tanks running. Triggers are an interesting animal. They seem to be so intelligent that they have mood swings which range from belligerent to docile. The 170 is definitely fully stocked with the two large triggers. I have a tenecor 96X36X36 on the way for my...
  10. northern_reefer

    Freshwater Feeders

    I have read that a diet of freshwater feeders causes liver problems for the fish. Not sure? I have read of saltwater feeder shrimp. I'll look around and find a contact.
  11. northern_reefer

    Aggressive Triggers

    It is impossible to say. It depends on the individual trigger and the living situation they have. I have owned all three and the aggressiveness of the fish seemed to be dependent on tank size, tank mates, size of fish, age of fish, and amount of hiding spots.
  12. northern_reefer

    Titan Trigger Pics

    and my other titan.
  13. northern_reefer

    Titan Trigger Pics

    I have two titan triggers. A 2" juv. and a 7". If you have any questions about them let me know. They are great fish. Grow really fast, so be prepared for a 300G tank if you get one and plan on keeping it.
  14. northern_reefer

    New Juv. Starry Trigger (Abalistes stellatus)

    Thank you everyone: TangTang, I have a 3" male bluejaw trigger in a 65G reef with a dragon goby, asst. snails-crabs, sps, lps, and softies. 3" female red sea undulate trigger in a 75 G FOWLR by herself. 4" picasso trigger, 4" white-tail trigger, 3" niger trigger, and a 5" clown trigger in a...
  15. northern_reefer

    New Juv. Starry Trigger (Abalistes stellatus)

    I just picked up a new trigger. trigger #11. I'm a trigger addict!! :D
  16. northern_reefer

    Mantis Tank Pics

    benihuma, that's an awesome looking mantis. I'm setting up a tank similar to yours. still waiting for a mantis to be on my lfs list. thanks for sharing the pics of your mantis
  17. northern_reefer


    there are lots of medication options. check with your local lfs to see what they sell. one option is to try dipping the undulates food in selco, garlic, or some other vitamin supplement. that will help with the immune system. Maracyn 2 is often used for bacterial infections which I think is...
  18. northern_reefer

    is my girlfriend crazy??

    Balistidae , Do you think it could possibly be a Lunula Trigger, Rhinecanthus lunula. My LFS said they could get me one, but their cost was $450. Can your girlfriend get me one of those beware of titan trigger signs. I'd gladly pay for it!
  19. northern_reefer


    the cheapest setup is a 5G bucket with an air pump and air stone. you can use pvc to make a safe place for the trigger to hide. if you keep your house warm you don't even need a heater. a 10 G would be ideal. a 10 G tank is only $10 at most LFS. you'll have to change water daily. I think...
  20. northern_reefer


    Do you have a qt tank? I'm still going through the same thing with my undulate. I had her in a 120G with a titan and a niger and the two triggers ganged up on the undulate. Nipped at her fins and body. She has a cloudy eye and damaged fins. I put her in a qt tank by herself with the salinity...