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  1. harman

    Help, Please

    my queen angelfish is sick she is still eating and swimming but has white specks on her they are getting better we used garlic extreme on some seaweed and zoe on her food but i just noticed that one of her gills is not moving and the other one is really working hard this just started. we have...
  2. harman

    can tangs live together or not

  3. harman

    Ick or ???????

    had a similar problem with my 135gal. i think it is fungal/ ich combined. the only way i got rid of it, i put a double helix 36w uv on it and i haven't had a problem in a year.
  4. harman

    porcupine problem

    his lips might be a little puffy, but no spots or marks on his body.
  5. harman

    porcupine problem

    i have had this puffer for 8 months or more. he has always eaten very well.(only whole krill) now he acts like he has a problem sucking the pieces in his mouth, he trys but it goes to his mouth but not in. it looks like he has a problem opening his mouth, because when it hits the bottom of the...
  6. harman

    how long before naso tang will eat?

    i have one i got from swf last year and it already has trailers on the tail, and is over 6 inches long. i got him to eat with marine quisine, and garlic. after that he is eating anything i put in there; whole krill, omega flake, seaweed, and live brine. you will be very happy with the fish
  7. harman

    porcupine problem

    i have a porc puffer that i have had for about 8 months. he has grown very fast, and eats whole krill. the past 2 days he acts like it is hard to eat. when he goes to suck in the food nothing happens. it's like he can't open his mouth all the way. when it hits the bottom of the tank, he will...
  8. harman

    Funny behavior

    i have a clarki that does the same thing. he hordes the food behind a rock and hides there with it until it is gone.
  9. harman

    Help, Please

    he eats and swims around the tank like there is nothing wrong. there is a huma trigger, lunar wrasse, majestic angel, cinamen clown, and two percs.
  10. harman

    favorite fish

    another favorite i got from
  11. harman

    Help, Please

    what, no ideas?:confused:
  12. harman

    Help, Please

    no live rock. dead corol and plastic reefs. fish only tank. fish is loosing color and eyes are cloudy.
  13. harman

    Help, Please

    nitrites are 0, nitrates are20 ppm, he eats sea weed with drops of zoecon on it, frozen brine shrimp, and omega one flake food. it is a 75 gallon tank with a hot magnum bio wheel, and an emperor. a power head for airation and circulation
  14. harman

    need help, please!

    ph is 8.2, amonia is 0, all others within specs. i was told ph has alot to do with color. the tank mates have all been together for 6 months. condition has slowly worsened from a month ago. he eats and is active swiming around the tank.
  15. harman

    Help, Please

    THIS IS A PICTURE OF A FRIENDS HIPPO TANG. WE HAVE TRIED NUMEROUS TREATMENTS WITH NO SUCCESS.the ph is 8.3, amonia is 0, and all others are within range. the fish have all been in the tank for 6 months. he only has a single 40 watt bulb over a 75. i didn't know if that mattered or not. any reply...
  16. harman

    need help, please!

    this is a picture of a friends hippo tang. we have tried all kinds of treatments;rxp, garlic, zoecon, ect. any other ideas will be appreciated. thank you
  17. harman


    mine is about 4 inches long. i wouldn't have one without a uv. the one i have got spots in a weak when i had my uv off for treatment of red slime. i turned the uv back on and they went away in less than a day or two.
  18. harman

    favorite fish

    here are my favorites
  19. harman

    Pulsing Xenia

    1 have 220 pc's and 1 175w mh, and they seem to really act different when the halide is on or off.
  20. harman

    the look of an angel

    just had to note the last time i posted a picture of her i forgot to mention the lfs i got her from. finaddicts, in galesburg il.