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  1. keltic

    Yet another refugium question

    I have a 20 gallon nano and am in the process of building my HOB refugium. Final size will be 18x12x6, and it will probably have the skimmer built into one end. My question is would 300-375 GPH be a decent flow rate. If not what would be better? Thanks
  2. keltic

    Has anyone used one of these yet??

    Looking at the pics and description, you should be able to make one yourself way cheaper than their price. The only part I see as being slightly difficult to find is the "reversing" screw that is inside. By that I mean the screw similar to what you see on say a bait casting fishing reel that...
  3. keltic

    Quick ? on T5 bulbs

    So the metal halides should provide the correct spectrum for most corals? And if that is the case, should I maybe get some 6500K full light T5's?
  4. keltic

    Quick ? on T5 bulbs

    I just got my setup today and need to get the bulbs for it. I have a 55 which will have a combo of 2 175w 21000K bulbs and 2 48" 54w T5's. Should I get full actinic bulbs or go with the Aquablues which are 60% actinic and 40% 11000K? I definitely plan on corals in this tank and don't want to...
  5. keltic

    TDS Meter

    I just got my RO/DI system and was about to hook it up when I found a good deal on an inline TDS meter. I have never used one and wanted to know if they were really necessary. Also what do they really tell you about the water? Thanks for the help!
  6. keltic

    Lighting and unrelated Refuge question

    I just purchased a Dual 48" T5 54w setup and plan to mak a dual T5 MH hood. First off would two 175watt MH be sufficient with the T5's on a 55G? Second, what K ranges should I get for either set of bulbs. I have unfortunately never seen a MH system in person, but I have heard of some greenish...
  7. keltic

    Such thing as too much flow?

    Is viaaqua any good as far as pumps go? I have heard of many people complaining about the Rio . I am on a tight budget so I can't really get the pumps that I want but I also don't want something that I will want to tie to the bumper of my car and drag around for a few miles either. Tanks for...
  8. keltic

    Such thing as too much flow?

    This is why I like this forum so much. "Instant" answers. I had thought of having two pumps, one timed, so this sounds great to me. Thanks
  9. keltic

    Such thing as too much flow?

    I currently have a 55G FOWLR setup, but I am interested in moving to inverts and corals. My question is, can there be too much water turnover. I am in the process of building my W/D sump and plumbingit along with a 20H G Refugium. According to my calculations, I will be turning over the water...
  10. keltic

    Macro Algae

    if anybody has any MA to sell please let me know ASAP! I want all kinds and enough to "fill" a 20 gallon tank Thanks Keltic
  11. keltic

    Help On Maintanance

    Sounds like it could be diatoms. Common in high silicate waters. Also usually bloom in new tanks and later subside provided water parameters kept in check.
  12. keltic

    Color of Acrylic

    I am in the process of designing a new W/D filter for my 55 and wanted to know if having clear acrylic had any real benefits. My stand isn't quite tall enough for a good sump setup so I have to have it out in the open. I can get black acrylic for the same price and thought it would look...
  13. keltic

    Tapwater filter from Aquar. Pharm.

    I have use these as well but have gone through acouple calculations. The filter runs roughly $35 and replacement cartridges $19. If you add up the cost for every 50 gallons of water you need you could have easily paid for a low to mid range RO unit which generally have membranes that can last...
  14. keltic

    PC 10k color ??

    I recently purchased a retro kit with 2 10Kk/Actinic combos. Proceeded to break a plug on one of them and replaced it with one from All-Glass. Both are brand new but the All-Glass is much more blue. Seems to just be a manufacturing issue. Now I have to decide which I like as far as looks...
  15. keltic

    what is this garlic stuff?

    I recently started making my own juice to soak food in trying to get a couple of unusually picky clowns to eat. Works like a charm. My damsel loves it too. Plus my coral banded actually comes out to eat any pellets not caught by the fish. I just took a bulb of garlic minced it added a couple...
  16. keltic

    Tank Raised Clowns

    The fish act like it's a gourmet meal now.
  17. keltic

    Brittle Stars Fighting?

    Recently I purchased a tank cleaner package from SWF that contained 2 Brittles. Is it possible these two would harm each other? I came home after work and saw that they were touching each other then noticed later that one of them had broken about 2 inches off its arm. Just curious if it was...
  18. keltic

    Tank Raised Clowns

    I had originally purched 2 TR Ocellaris Clowns from another online vendor and one of them proceeded to go skydiving. So I ordered another from SWF and the color on it makes my first look literally dirty. The SWF is so vibrant in its orange. My question is what exactly do they feed it? My...
  19. keltic

    Play Sand or Live Sand?

    Actually you should be careful with some "play" sands as a substrate. Most are silica sand which can lead to a large amount diatoms in the tank. Usually not a problem if you have plenty of cleaner critters.