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  1. zbrook1

    Heat wave in the tank!!!!!!!!!!!

    The temp normally in my tank is around 78-80......yea I lowered over the course of about and 1 1/2 to 2 hours ,but it got warm enough to kill a few good fish and now Im worried my corals might follow along.
  2. zbrook1

    Heat wave in the tank!!!!!!!!!!!

    Woke up this morn to a very ugly site...heater stuck on ........lost my flame angle,royal gramma, and fire shrimp. Temp got up to at least 86-88.Xenia look really bad...starting to look like it might come around after temp down to normal.Anybody know what the odds are it makes it after temp...
  3. zbrook1

    Emerald saves Green Stars!!!!

    Yes I have fish in the tank but I dont think it is caused buy any of my inverts because it covered a good portion of my colony skin and it kind of peeled off when the crab was eating it. I feel it must be some kind af algea but what kind, and why only the green stars?
  4. zbrook1

    Emerald saves Green Stars!!!!

    A while back I posted a question about this red color on the underlying skin to my colony of green stars and came up blank......but today I find my Emeral crab cleaning this red substance off the underlying skin of the green stars and low and behold they are coming back better than before.I dont...
  5. zbrook1

    Green Star Polyp Question.........

    I bought a colony of green stars about a month ago and within the last couple of days I noticed that the underlying skin has a red spot about the size of a quarter on it where the remaining underlying skin is a nice healthy milk white.The polyps still come out in this area and are still green...
  6. zbrook1

    do pistol shrimp kill cleaner shrimp?

    I have one Fire shrimp in my tank and got a pistol shrimp as a tag along on some rock and have had no problems for about a year now.Both are doing fine.But both being animals and unpredictable who knows what could happen.
  7. zbrook1

    Getting frustrated with the cynobacteria!!!!

    You might also want to cut back on your lights.My actinics come on at 11 am and are on till 11 pm and my 10k are on at 4pm( an hour before I get home from work) and are off at 10 pm
  8. zbrook1

    Getting frustrated with the cynobacteria!!!!

    Sounds like you could use more flow. I have a 55 also and what I have is 2 Maxi-jet 1200,one in each corner, 1 maxi-jet 900, in the middle flowing forward to the front glass and a penquin 550 along the back bottom flowing from one end of the tank to the other.Also have a HOB refugium.Knock on...
  9. zbrook1

    Additives? Someone please help!

    I have a 55 also and all I do is add C-Balance(two part additive) everyday. Once in the morn and once at night.Two drops of Lugols solution(iodine) once a week with my 5 gal water change. and DT's twice a week to help feed my far so good!
  10. zbrook1

    Best time of day to test water?

    When is the best time of day to test water parameters.In the morning, or in the later part of the day after all lights are on a while.I just tested my water and everything was A-Ok except PH...........But it was in the morn and the lights have not been on yet.Ive heard your PH does drop some in...
  11. zbrook1

    New Powerhead suggestions

    Hey reefnutz just add the after zbrook1.........
  12. zbrook1

    Mixing up new water

    I fill up my 5 gal bucket with RO/DI on Thursday night,add salt(use a meaure cup to what I know will get me to .024,saves time having to constantly adjust S.G.)on Friday with a Rio 400 and air stone.I have an old heater that is always stuck on so I add that to the water bucket about 1 1/2 hours...
  13. zbrook1

    New Powerhead suggestions

    I agree with loon....go with the Maxi-jets...........I also have 3 ...two 1200 and one 900 in a 55 and the flow is great........tank tenants love it!!! on line for them....Im not sure if I can mention the place I got mine at on this board bit I got both 1200 for around 40.00...
  14. zbrook1

    Bristtle worms and Feather dusters

    I was in the market to get a feather duster for my tank and one of the fish stores I visit I was told by the owner that somtimes bristtle worms will bother the duster being they are both worms. Just wanted to see if anyone ever had this problem before I purchase.And we all know if you have live...
  15. zbrook1

    Bristtle worms and Feather dusters

    Has anyone ever had problems keeping Feather Dusters with some bristtle worms in the tank?
  16. zbrook1

    fish with lps/soft coral?

    I have a 55 with PC's at a total of 260(4-5 watts per gal at min) wattts and things are doin' fine(with the same things you would like to have in your tank)...........but if I had to do it all over again I would spend the extra bucks and get MH.
  17. zbrook1

    Reef Supplements

    I use C-Balance(two part) and two drops per week of Kent Marine iodine in a 55 gal and things are doing just fine(knock,knock)
  18. zbrook1

    Attaching coral

    Would I be able to glue the small rocks some corals come on to the live rock in the tank with the super glue?
  19. zbrook1

    looking to buy in western ny

    hey caleb im in Bemus Point....getting any type of nice coral around here is tough. email and let me know where you get yours
  20. zbrook1

    Attaching coral

    Ive been reading alot of threads that mention folks using super glue to attach new coral to rocks in thier tanks.I must have been living in a cave,I didnt know you could do this.........wont it affect your water in the tank? If folks out there have done this let me know what type of glue that...