Originally Posted by
mcmasterson http:///forum/thread/381467/eshopps-vs-lifereef-overflow/100#post_3329198
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/381467/eshopps-vs-lifereef-overflow/100#post_3328842
Originally Posted by mcmasterson http:///forum/thread/381467/eshopps-vs-lifereef-overflow/100#post_3328783
Hi Corey,
I actually upped both sides another 1-1.5" or so from some leftover glass pieces i had. It is near the top all the way across the bubble tower. I doubt i will have 600 gph coming out of the overflow since the mag 7 with my head will only be pumping 450 at max capacity and i also will have that ball valve to cut down the flow if need be. My only concern for you here is that you're 600gph overflow may not be being pushed enough at 450gph. It may have trouble maintaining it's syphon. Hopefully all will be ok but it's just something you'll need to watch out for.
Either way i guess i am giving it a go.
So in regards to getting it set up. I read the directions from someone on Flower's sump build about first starting the sump up, but i have a question in regards to the refugium.
So i am planning on putting some live sand and live rock for copepod production. Do you think since i have some light flow coming into the refug i will have trouble with the sand getting blown around? You shouldn't have too much trouble no. Lots of people put a small nano size power head in there for additional flow to churn the water and puts more of it in contact with the bacteria and such. I'd just stay away from the sugar sized sand. That stuff gets blown around pretty easy.
Secondly, since i am planning on buying new live sand out of the bag at the LFS as well as cured live rock, do i need to worry about any sort of cycling needed on the live sand? I should be fine, right? Just put it in and let 'er rip? You very well could see a small cycle, yes. Just keep a close eye on it.
Lastly, as far as the siphon hole in the return line. About how far down from the top of my tank should the 1-2 holes be drilled? Being i have a small 10 gallon sump i dont have a lot of room for flow back in case of power outage. In your case I would recommend drilling the holes just above the waterline so that the backflow stops instantly.
Boy, lots more questions! I love this hobby, but am humbled by how little i know.
Corey, in regards to your reply about the siphon holes being above the waterline, don't I put the holes just below the water line so if power shuts down a little water drains out and then hits the holes? If they are above wouldnt that mean there wouldnt be any siphon?
That's a tough call in your case since you don't have a whole lot of room to handle much backflow in your sump. I'd say that if you can get away with it then just below would be better. But if you make the holes just above or right at the waterline then the backflow will stop alot quicker. You don't need to worry about maintaining a syphon on your return line...your pump does all the work of pushing the water. You just want watever syphon is created on that line to stop asap.