100g Volitan/Rhinopias tank build.


Active Member
I can post a pick of the container! :) The tank will have to wait. Hubby is curled up on the sofa with a killer neck/eye headache. I just got back from Walgreens with every Heat Pack/Icy Hot product out there. I can't lift the light safely on my own. :-(
There's not going to be anything interesting to see. Just some stark LR and a Lion. I'm gonna put up the pic and y'all will be like "Oh, that's it?" That's what I waited for???".
When the lights are suspended from the ceiling I will add some coralline/macros and such.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Side note: I'm setting up a 30g long for a frag tank. Any opinions about putting an angler in there??
Make sure you ID the angler properly so that you don't end up with a dinner plate-size sardined into a 30g. But the smaller ones, like a pictus or a warty amongst a few others, would be awesome in there. The commersons show up regularly and are the ones that will grow up to be big fatties.

shrimpy brains

Nice Super Dooper Lion Scooper. Maybe you should patent it. I'm betting there are people who would pay at least $60 for something like that.
The bulkhead with pvc were just for a handle?? Great idea.
Yes, I'm leaning towards a warty, but will do more research. Don't think he would mess with corals, and thought it would make the tank more entertaining!! Corals are pretty, but fish bring it to life!!

shrimpy brains

Oh, hope hubby gets to feelin' better! I know it sounds silly, but give him a banana(if you have one) I'm not sure why(maybe potassium) but it often helps!!


Active Member
He looks so small in the new tank. He's gonna LOVE it when he realizes the Food God also visits there.
A warty would be perfect.


Active Member
That is an awesome invention and I may need one when I get to the point of needing to move my lil buddy. (hopefully never)...
So you're putting up the lighting and then the macros and the corals skeletons and such? OR???
What type of macros do you use? and what purpose are they serving.... It is just for the look or are they doing something else too??
I use plastic plants in my tank and have had no problem but I am open to an alternative to the plastic. Mine don't look fake but I know they are and it bugs me. lol


Active Member
There's still a nice few steps to complete.
The lighting was going to be suspended from bent conduit pipe. With everything plumbed, we now see we can't put th epipe back there. Now we have to suspend it from the ceiling. I now have the suspension kit so I guess we have to go drilling. We also need to make a skirt for the light. When I get to that I'
ll show ya why.
I am sending the reefkeeper elite back to the manufacturers tomorrow. It doesn't work properly.
I use macro because it sucks up extra nutrients and adds colour to the tank. I use all the caulerpas and red grape.... a bunch of different ones really. Not 100% sure yet but there has to be some reds for the Frondosa joining him.
Gonna take some of the purple rock out of his old tank and put it in the new.
We still haven't decided what skimmer we wanted to try.


Active Member
This tank is such a perfect size for him! The custom dimensions and the external overflow just open it so much. Pictures will come tonight once it gets dark out. But if I had to recommend a perfect size, this would be it.
Hubby is still down and out and had to call in sick for work. Gonna try to get an appointment somewhere. Poor guy.


Active Member
I wish I could operate this camcorder properly. This is a quick view from my chair/computer desk in the TV room. Once we get the lights suspended we'll be adding the other tank decor.


wow cranberry! that looks great! both the lion and the tank are beautiful! I can't wait to see it when you get the rest put in/on.


shed time- Hey baby-nice cuticle.
Sounds like a new pickup line- better write that one down
The new tank is awesome-


Active Member
Nice looking tank! It's so mono tone! haha it'll be really nice with the macros and things in there, plus the fondosa to brighten it up! Thanks for sharing!