100g Volitan/Rhinopias tank build.


shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
My volitan was $14.95... so I like all prices.
There's only going to be these 4 fish in the tank.
4? The Volitan, Frondosa, and Eschy! Who is the fourth?? The anemone?


oh nice:)
i paid £36 for mine, and that in pounds, thats like $50
if i ever come to getting another big tank i think i mightdo wat you've done:)
i saw a frondosa in a DT at one of my LFS, i didnt know at the time they were so expensive, but anyways, they had loads of fake plants in there and the frondosa was bright red, looked AWESOME!
how much LR do you have in there?


fair enough:)
i suppose you get the rare fish at trade price too?
this must save alot of money in the long run,


Active Member
I actually bought the Rhinos at a LFS. I use a plethera of sources. I find them at the LFS, and because of my side job, I visit alot of them in different areas. Having this professional relationship with the LFSs, we often put in special requests. If the fish is pricey, we always ask for "cash price". I've never been turned down. I love going to the wholesalers, but there is usually a minimum purchase and my favourite spot is $300. So you have to build up a list of things you want. No guarantees come with this source so you have to be very observant of the fishes condition and be willing to take the risk. I'm also a fiend for WYSIWYG.... a lot fo my critters have come from that.


He cran will the Frondosa on a well known WYSIWYG sight end up looking like your with maturity? Or is it a subspecies? How difficult is it to get these guys to eat frozen? I've been eyeing a pair of leaf fish for a few weeks but don't want to feed live.


Active Member
How do you mean, look like mine with age? The colour or something else?
That's the same guy as my purple one. I bet the WYSIWYG one has changed colour by now because it looked like it was going that way. But I'll ask my friend who works there what it looks like now.
The one Rhino (frondosa) was easy to train, the Eschy was one of the harder ones.
But the leaf fishes you are speaking of.... EXTREMELY hard to convert. Holy Moly, that one took me forever and then some.


the R frondosa on the DD site is the same species as cranberrys, however all frondosa(and other rhinopias for that matter) are very unique in their are site specific creatures. This means depending on their locations they may take on different colors, different patterns and also different levels of dermal papillae and body tassles. I've seen a frondosa that looked like a hairy anglerfish -it had so many tassles, and I've also seen frondosa that was plain looking and lacking all body tags.
These fish coloration/markings/camouflage are plastic -so to speak- in their ability to blend into their local environment.
Unfortunately when you remove them from this locale and put them into an aquarium, they tend to loose their bright coloration and turn the default color which is more tan yellowish-still stunning but not vivid purple, pinks etc


Active Member
I wonder why my fronnie never changed colours. He's not as vibrant, but he's still a nice purple. At first I thought it was the coralline in the 60g even though his perch was very much under the macro. When I put him in the 100g he went a blah colour for a day, but is now back to his normal purple (or pink or whatever colour that is :). There isn't much in the way of colour in his new tank yet to influence him.
The eschy changes colours every single week.
I would really like to have that small one on WYSIWYG. I really REALLY enjoy growing the fish up. If I didn't have the 2 I have, he would be in my tank right now. I hate not knowing how old a fish is if it's a mature adult.
If the skimmer comes by the weekend, the Eschy may go in on Sunday. It'll be a month since the Fronnie went in.


nice, what is this WYSIWYG thing? i've heard so much about it but dont know wat it is?
could you give me a link to it?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by skate020
nice, what is this WYSIWYG thing? i've heard so much about it but dont know wat it is?
could you give me a link to it?

What You See Is What You Get.
Flip Wilson's drag charactor statement.
then adapted for early word processors.


Skate, I could PM you the specific site if you'd like. Unfortunatly SWF is really strict about metioning of other sites in posts.


Active Member
I'm not going to put him in today like tentively planned. I ran out of DI resin (which is very unlike me) and wanted to do a 25% water change before he went in. So, I have the resin... presently making water..... will mix it overnight.... tomorrow.... he's IN!