Alright guys no fighting, everyone has their opinions. iwantacans admits he likes the tank but I think is worried everyone will run to the LFS and crash their tanks after seeing this thread. I definitely believe in patience and don't want everyone to crash their tanks. All of the fish have been there over a month except the niger trigger and the params are pretty perfect. I just can't imagine it mysteriously crashing for no reason as it matures even more. Oh and my harder to keep corals like my 2 flower pots I've had for about 10-11 months, they came from my old tank.
Thanks druluv for the comments, at this point it is for the most part self sustaining. I topoff add kalkwasser, alk plus, DTs, iodine, strontium and that's about it. Of course I feed the corals about once a week with cyclopeeze and daphnia and I feed the fish everyday. I am a firm believer in running UV on reefs, I have not had any fish illnesses yet. I've done one water change of 10 gallons about a month ago, don't think you need to do water changes as often on a younger tank, I'm sure I'll get some comments on that.