125 Gallon 4 month birthday


Greg your tank is truly amazing - while I recently had to start over because of a 700 Mile move my now 2 month old tank doesnt look even close to a small corner of your tank :D but I am hopefull that over time I will get there --- I beleive you nailed it on the head when you said quality over quantity
I recently found a very nice LFS that I am going to continue to monitor to see if I can have the same success
Well done


Nice tank Greg,
How many fish you have in there? It might just be me but i would say you have a some what high bioload on your tank size


1st off great looking tank:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: It looks so full. ANd secondly does your trigger bother anyone or because there are so many fish he is in check most of the time???


Alright here's the fish list. Some of these fish will be going into my larger FOWLR I'm planning so don't kill me. Nitrates are below 5 and falling (added the refugium about 5 weeks ago). Everything does great including SPS. All of the fish get along except the GS Maroon is getting more agressive so may be leaving soon. The trigger is doing very well. The only 2 triggers I would try in a reef are the Niger and Blue Jaw. Thanks for all of the comments. I'm going to try and continue updating each month.
1Foxface Rabbitfish
2True Percula Clowns
1Gold-Striped Maroon Clown
1Lineatus Wrasse
1Dragon Wrasse
1Orange Anthias
1Flame Angel
1Sailfin Tang
1Chevron Tang
2Green Mandarins
1Engineer Goby
1Niger Trigger


In the tank there is Fiji, Atlantic, and even a few pieces of Haitian LR. I hand picked each piece to make it all fit together. A fish can go behind the rock on one side of the tank and come out pretty much anywhere, it's hard to tell from the pics.
There is well over 200lbs of LR in there, it may be closer to 300, not really sure, lost track.


great tank!!! Its awesome how many fish you have in there. Most tanks only have a few but you really have it stocked nicely. Also, I think its great how you said what everything is in all of the pictures. It really helps us newbies on getting used to which names go with which corals!!:yes:
ps. great photos


Also, IMO your tank is a complete "success!" Everyone is talking about "successful" tanks. I dont get it, how old does a tank have to be to be considered a "success?" ????:notsure:


Thanks for the comments guys.
agoutihead, moonbeam, moonlights, lunar lights, all the same. They are just 1 watt LEDs but look awesome, I recommend them for anyone who doesn't have them.
When everyone talks about the tank not being a succes they mean that being only 4 months old it is stil unstable. My tank is perfectly stable and I think will only continue to mature. All of my corals are growing like crazy and I have no early tank issues at all. I understand both sides, so I will post each month with the progress.


Active Member
that's a great setup u got.... i hope to have something close to that someday. great work, everything looks awesome!


shawnts106, that's cool. I understand what everyone means. My 2 gonioporas are about to turn 11 months and I have a few corals that are older so we'll see if things continue to improve in the new tank as I hope they do.
Schadiest1, Thanks!
Something'sFishy, I run the tank at about 80-82 degrees, some people like there tanks cooler and some even hotter, this just works for me. I'm trying minimal water changes for a while, I believe I've changed out 10 gallons since setup. I'll probably do another small change this month. I've seen some of the prettiest tanks in person that have not had a water change in 3 years. We'll see how it goes.


Active Member
i was reading about tank temp. and it's believed that keep your tank around 75/76 will prolong the lives of your fish (that's always a good thing).


Did the article say what types of fish? They all coem from different climates and like different temps, unless there is something special about that temp in aquariums.