125 tank diary



Oh! Ok. Now I get it. If the thickness of the eel is not smaller than the openings in the egg crate, you should be good... And besides, if it is near the surface, the eel shouldn't be cruising around up there too much anyway.
I have been meaning to do that to my strainers.... I'll have to when I start my DIY closed loop....


lol it just concerns me because i want to get a small one but i can fit a sharpie through the holes :x lol some figuring out to do.
haha i was surprised that it would make that much of a difference but it was quite a bit


Well, I imagine that you might be able to double up on the eggcrate. You know by like putting the second sheet's "x"s over the other's holes. That would probably work. Just a thought!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
lol it just concerns me because i want to get a small one but i can fit a sharpie through the holes :x lol some figuring out to do.
haha i was surprised that it would make that much of a difference but it was quite a bit
they grow very fast. might as well get one that wont fit right away


Good luck!! Great build thread, I definitely want to see where you take this!

Well, I imagine that you might be able to double up on the eggcrate. You know by like putting the second sheet's "x"s over the other's holes. That would probably work. Just a thought!!
ya i tried to set it up like that but everything i tried didnt come out the way i liked

they grow very fast. might as well get one that wont fit right away
i was thinking about that but im concerned for my puffers at first with a big one haha


Originally Posted by ca161406
ya i tried to set it up like that but everything i tried didnt come out the way i liked

Yeah, I know how that is... LOL. It seems that whenever I try to upgrade/fix something, it is either too short, too long, too big, etc.


Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Yeah, I know how that is... LOL. It seems that whenever I try to upgrade/fix something, it is either too short, too long, too big, etc.

i know it sucks haha! they wernt lining up at all, but i may go try superglue lol
i plan to start mixing water soon, and im gonna go level it out too haha


yup yup waters in and salts mixed up

gotta get the sand and rock this week sometime so there goes a burn in the pocket. haha
60lbs of sand for .5-1 inch sand bed.
70lbs of base rock
20lbs or fiji rock
= $250... best deal i can find but gotta drive a lil bit
skimmer is crazyyy works way better then i thought it would! used RODI and cleaned the tank like crazy before. within 15 min there was nasty gunk all over the neck. so its not skimming at all because theres nothing left for it to skim. haha.
for Power heads i was thinking 2 koralia 4s and the 330gph one i have now.
1200 return from 2 outlets
2400 from koralia 4s
330 from the penguin
isss that good for flow ? or over kill? not enough?


water n salt are all lved out. so just gotta wait till i get rock and sand 2 start cycling
FTS...the cord is cuz i have the power head rigged up all wack right now lol

Skimmer puts out some mad nasty gunk. this thing is awesome haha

full sump shot...im glad i went with the 45.

yup yup now the wait for the rock n sand..then the longer wait for the cycle....then FISH!

anyone know how to stop stuff from building up in the return chamber? its like a white film on top of the water
oh and i threw a cup of clams in for kicks. to get some decay. i have a small bio sponge in the sump, so i wanted to feel like i was actually doing something hahaha


ok so tanks cycling nothing to do but watch the particles of food float around woo
buut stocklist..hmm help!
what i had in mind:
1st addition a small SFE or a $zebra$
2nd small porc puffer
3rd my 2 gsp's at the same time (they buds)
4th bloodhawkfish
5th humu or bluejaw
6th lawnmower blenny if it can stand up
and then like a filler dwarf angle? or idk
keep in mind ill have a 240+ tank set up in about 6months
and also some sound cutting down tips would be nice haha hard to sleep with the tank 10ft from my head

small triggers

Active Member
its kinda hard to sound proof after you have everything put in. the best way now would be something like dynamat. you could put it all over the inside. the biggest problem would be the back is still open, so you are still going to get noise from there, unless you use something like rigid foam insulation and put it in between your wall and the back of your stand and/or tank. Good luck.


Active Member
my 2 cents on the stock list: I have both the SFE and zebra in my 180. both amazing. the zebra - verrry docile. the sfe - more aggressive. neither mess with my fish though. both eat from my hand... but the sfe is never satisfied. it would eat a lb of shrimp, etc at once if I let him. Regarding the puffer - PPP get huge, but they are cool fish. I love my striped dogface puffer. cool looking and not as common.


its kinda hard to sound proof after you have everything put in. the best way now would be something like dynamat. you could put it all over the inside. the biggest problem would be the back is still open, so you are still going to get noise from there, unless you use something like rigid foam insulation and put it in between your wall and the back of your stand and/or tank. Good luck.
thanks i was going to try to line it with some marine carpet then see how much that cut it down, if it does ill probably get some of what youre talking about and see how that does
my 2 cents on the stock list: I have both the SFE and zebra in my 180. both amazing. the zebra - verrry docile. the sfe - more aggressive. neither mess with my fish though. both eat from my hand... but the sfe is never satisfied. it would eat a lb of shrimp, etc at once if I let him. Regarding the puffer - PPP get huge, but they are cool fish. I love my striped dogface puffer. cool looking and not as common.
yeah i love your eels awesome pics ive seen. i like the zebra a lot but i like the price of the snow flake lol. i know about the PPP but i was thinking if it gets too large i can move it to the bigger tank but i was thinking about a dogface too, also the stars n stripes i like a lot but i guess its going to be a chance type thing which ever ill have access to
well i got a bunch of tonga(idk how its spelled) today and did some aquascaping and im getting sand tomorrow so hurray!
pics in a min



left side


crappy phone pics, ill take camera pics when the water clears up more cuz its hard to see all the caves from these. i also have a bunch in the sump too so yea, watch yeal think???


oh yeah and also there's a bunch of the spagetti looking stuff too and i have no clue what it is. i brushed most of the rocks but theres a lot in the little bit of sand that i got now soo


sand cloud of utter doom! ...?



eel tunnel

yup checked everything out at parameters are all on the spot. the rock and sand came from a tank thats been up for over 5 years so there was a slight spike then came down over night
so i may go pick up a blenny today to destroy the algae thats all over the rocks haha

crypt keeper

Active Member
id say your sand bed is about 2 maybe even 3 inches too deep some spots.
About time you filled that thing up. I have been watching this thread. Looks great though


Awesome! I love that Tonga Branch rock! I have a little bit of it in my 125 and I really like it... Now I'm jealous... LOL
I might have missed it in an earlier post, but what are you running for lighting? Tank looks great!