125 tank diary


just some updated pics....atleast one puffer always stays in the corner with the eggs at all times. im wondering how long its gonna be or if im going to have to remove them :/
i got an azuer damsel in QT to keep it going until i get my trigger. my LFS is getting a shipment soon so ill get first pick


in their corner

trying to find the remaining hermits haha

zee damsel

yup yup


i took them out today because they kinda...melted i guess you'd say and were polluting the water really bad. and not the normal dissolving type thing when they hatch but like turned to a pile of goo.
so yeah after i did a water change and put the damsel in the tank to see if they would be agressive... so far so good ;)


well the damsel is doin good. it just has a problem getting food because if yeal know puffers. its gone in a matter of seconds. so i just been dropping some frozen brine with each feeding so the damsel gets some.
im off to the LFS shortly to pick up some more food and see if they got their shipment. they were getting more humus and SFEs so i gotta decide which i want! ah! too bad my qt set up is my 10gal or i'd get both. i might convert it to my 29 before i go depending how i feel lol


got my humu :) ill post pics of it in QT tomorrow! woot. eats like a pig too.
its about 2 inches..i hear theyre slow growers?


Originally Posted by Hefner413
Nice coloration! Sorry about the ich - at least you have a QT!
mucho gracias. haha
yeah for reals, he just reached hypo last night. hes still acting great and eats like a pig. i came in today and couldnt find him and freaked out. then like 5min later he was there. and this happend like 2 or 3 times and was freakin me out!
come to find out he swims inside the power filter and just chills there haha but when i come by he pops out looking for food lol


well the humu was moved to the dt yesterday, had no signs of ick for 2weeks so i brought him back and waited another few days. looks great
(i did several baths along the way also)
in the mean time i set up my 29 so i can QT a SFE while humu was in hypo. had him in there for about 10 days and moved him to the DT.
i got both the humu and SFE from a different store and can tell they are way more healthy then from where i got my fish before.
my dad and i got the lights finally! 2 sundial t5HO 30" sets.
theyre awsome! haha 2 10k and 2 actinic bulbs per unit. individual reflectors, timers and moon lights all built in.
i also had a bad experience with carbon exploding in the tank and turning the water black. but the skimmer worked magic and after a 25% w/c and a day the collection cup had what looked like a giant chocolate donut in it
and today i went down to the LFS to replace the lawnmower blenny (having slight hair algae prob) and i couldnt resist getting a zoa frag haha. idk exactly what they are but they said just put them in mid flow area and leave them alone and theyll be fine they didnt have the blenny though.
so ill post some pics later, some1 could hopefully tell me what kinda zoas they are haha. but yeah. thats my story for the time i been gone


Dang!! That is kewl!! I have a SFE as well.... How big is yours? I love that Humu, too... Do you have a FTS??


Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Dang!! That is kewl!! I have a SFE as well.... How big is yours? I love that Humu, too... Do you have a FTS??
its a lil over a foot if i had to guess. haha i wish it was out more. when the lights go off it swims around but during the day just chills in its hole

haha i forgot to take one, ill get 1 when i can though.


Once it settles in, it will probably come out more. Mine did the exact same thing when I got it. Now, it'll cruise the front of the tank when it moves to a different hole...


Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Once it settles in, it will probably come out more. Mine did the exact same thing when I got it. Now, it'll cruise the front of the tank when it moves to a different hole...
haha he/she is becoming more comfortable i think, its sticking its head out a lot more then before haha



got a lil bit of a diatom and hair algae prob right now i think cuz of the new lights.


Dang! That looks great!! The Diatoms will pass. It was a VERY extended part of the cycle for me. Then, all at once, over the course of 3 days or so, it was TOTALLY gone after about 2-3 Months of it.