2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.


Active Member
a cat with a kitten. the bigger cats thought the baby kitten was a toy so we had to isolate her.


If you need screening you can go to home depot and buy the fiberglass secreening. It works great. I just installed my plenum yesterday.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I still cant find my light bulb I have a couple 50/50 coralife self ballasted bulbs somewhere, I forgot how much fish stuff I have stored in a million locations, I found so far about four filters 3 ten gallon tanks, half a dozen hoods and lights for ten g tanks, about 60pounds or ugly FW gravel, three powerheads, and two heaters.
Sounds like my garage!


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Honestly I wont be able to keep anything but the lowest light corals in this tank, the lighting is pitiful, I'm gonna do mushrooms (that doesn't sound right) and attempt to acclimate some zoas to that super low lighting. with the maximum distance from the bulb being 8 inches it helps that they are going to be close to the source. I may upgrade it later to 2 bulbs but I wanted to set this tank up with an overall new cost expenditure of zero dollars. Absolutely everything I have and am going to use to build this tank I already own and is just laying around. I'm currently laid off from work so my income is cut in third. spending money on this is out of the question untill I either return to work or find another job.
I thought you sounded like you had too much time on your hands!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laxzach
If you need screening you can go to home depot and buy the fiberglass secreening. It works great. I just installed my plenum yesterday.

If you read through the thread completley you would know I am doing this with a new purchase cost of Zero dollars so I cant go buy it, thanks for the suggestion though I appreciate it.


Active Member
now that its up and running I can tell I'm gonna have to totaly rework the guts of the hood. most of the lighting is to one side then the moon light is wayyy off to the other, so its completely uneven, but at least thats easy to change (I hope)


Active Member
And here is a pic of it all cleared up. Its gonna get more LR at some point to try and hide the heater and pickup for the filter, I put lr rubble and Chaeto in the filter.


Active Member
OK here is the final aqua scape for now, once I redo the lighting and make sure the whole thing isnt going to crash on me I will be adding more corals, but for now. I think this is enough for one day (about an hour and a half actually) everything came out of my existing 75G so any cycle should be negligible, I'm going to keep a really close eye on params just to be sure. I hope you all enjoyed watching the creation from start to semi finish, I will post more pics as I go along, now I have to move the tank upstairs to the bathroom because I dont really like the way it looks on the desk. Feel free to tell me if you like or hate it. I wont be offended either way (that almost doesnt make sense who would get offended by a compliment) anyhow, Enjoy!


How bright is your tank? I have a 20 watt 50/50 in mine, and then i covered the top in aluminum foil, and it is bright as hell. I think i am going to put some zoos in today as the first thing in the tank.


Active Member
its only 10watts PC 50/50 its not very bright I am going to upgrade to 20Watts and resituate it because they way it is now its a little uneven. and I am not completly satisfied with it. but it'll get better, everything on it now I already had, I need to buy some parts to upgade the lighting. I did succeed in setting it up with an overall new cost of 0$ which was the goal.


Active Member
The tank looks great!!!
It makes me want to setup a mini-tank as well. I dont have the parts, but new equipment for a tank that small wouldnt be that expensive. Seems like it would be easy to keep, just do frequent water changes.