2000+g plz help!!!


no problems what so ever with this thread but it just baffles me that you guys are living in an imaginary world i love this hobby to but i dont like talking about stuff that isnt going to happen, who knows i might be wrong and if i am i will most certaintly come back and give him some very good information


Active Member
Originally Posted by triggerluv
no problems what so ever with this thread but it just baffles me that you guys are living in an imaginary world i love this hobby to but i dont like talking about stuff that isnt going to happen, who knows i might be wrong and if i am i will most certaintly come back and give him some very good information

My biggest problem is that you say this guy is lying and it'll never work and never get built, but then in the next sentence you say..."get a life guys and stop dreaming i live the real thing here at sea***** which would make everyone jealous".
So, you're basically saying that no one else can do this sized project BUT you.


first of all i did not say it will never work and second i guarantee that no one one this site has ever even come close to the size of tanks i over look myself and work on and iam not bragging by the way but its the fact


its in the millions i will tell you that much and many of them it depends which tank or should i say a minature ocean how about you take a visit to orlando to find out for yourself


Active Member
Originally Posted by triggerluv
first of all i did not say it will never work and second i guarantee that no one one this site has ever even come close to the size of tanks i over look myself and work on and iam not bragging by the way but its the fact
for somebody thats not bragging . All you have done is tell us what a big tank you have and how educated you are on this subject. since we are all beneith your level of expertise why are you bothering with us ?


to spread the truth and inform you narrow minded people that always set up boundaries and that no one should go there ie: keeping a clown trigger in a nano tank or nano tanks are impossible to maintain which all of you believed if you are over 40 yrs of age and have been in the hobby a while and look what happend the nano tanks are seriously the big craze and soon keeping clown triggers in a nano will be the big craze because once that happens pretty much everyone will have a clown the fact is not everyone can afford a big tank and if you are able to keep such a nice fish in that small of tank everyone will buy one not literally everyone figure of speech


Active Member
I'm about to break out my hip waders and shovel...it's gettin' really deep in here.

We're not talking about tanks that people "oversea", which says to me that you're saying you're someone who works for a public aquarium. We're talking about everyday people...not public supported organizations that have millions of dollars to pump into one tank.
When you start throwing your own money into these "miniature oceans" that you take care, then we'll be getting somewhere.


Originally Posted by djevack
here is what im looking at. this design(not that tall), and using the same type of artifical decor.
Very awsome it kind of reminds me of when i went to Vegas to the Rain Forest Cafe. I stood there in awe for like 20min.
One thing i will say is ~REDUNDENCEY~ do not rely on one pump doing all the work. Back up power for a tank at that size is a must.I think one of your bigest problems will be cooling and heating. i would say you should come up with a dedicated central air unit for the fish room and the MH (if your going that way). hit me up that some time im down with sheding some light on questions and thoughts matty0h_52@yahoo.com
ooopps i didnt read the rest of the post i didnt know that no-one was helping djevack any more. I dont care if hes lieing or not i just like talking (typeing) about it.


not only do i work with minature oceans they are pretty much all over my house so i am like everyday people when it comes to my own tanks thank you very much and i am on a budget as well


Originally Posted by triggerluv
not only do i work with minature oceans they are pretty much all over my house so i am like everyday people when it comes to my own tanks thank you very much and i am on a budget as well
Bust out some pics of your tanks. im down to check them out. If your as good as you say then lets see.


Have a season pass all i can say is yeah they have a lot of salt water in the place no doubt but no real reef tanks even the really cool 660,000 gallon shark tank is all fake except for the fish triggerluver if you have so much stroke there get them to build a nice reef setup I do enjoy what they have just would love to see an actual live reef built with the kind of money that BUD can generate


well i actually have that in mind and it has been in the work for years we are actually working with florida aquarium on that but thank you for your interest


wow that would be awesome even to just set that up for someone man u mustve had fun looks awesome u should show us some pics of all of the tank and what is the fish in this huge tank?????


I definitely don't mean to make you feel persecuted but I am still curious about some things.
if i am i will most certaintly come back and give him some very good information
So does that mean you are going to help him with the set up after he has set it up. Seems a little backwards to me. He needs help now in the planning stages.
i guarantee that no one one this site has ever even come close to the size of tanks i over look myself and work on
Again, you seem to working from the knowledge that you know everyone on this board. Are the "miniature oceans" that you work on the largest aquariums in the world? Lets assume that you work for the Shedd, the current record holder in terms of size (8 million gallons). How do you know that someone else here doesn't work at the same place. Or maybe you work in Osaka Kaiyukan (5,400 tons of water) or maybe Okinawa, Churaumi (current second largest aquarium in the world). Even if you did, you still could not be sure we don't have other employees from those locations signed on here. And none of those places are in the sunshine state, so I doubt that you care for those tanks. Somehow, I think you have overlooked a lot of things in your statement.
I don't doubt that you have worked with large aquariums and that you personally have a lot of experience but the way you are portraying yourself is antagonistic and, yes, boastful. Worst of all, it is, very likely, inaccurate. Please use your experience and knowledge to help advice seekers instead of putting them down, calling them liars and then telling everyone that you have more experience and work on larger tanks than ANYBODY.
I am sure that the systems that you keep are very beautiful and would love to see pictures as well!
People need advice not negativity.


well iam very very impressed by your knowledge and am ever so thankful that you actually know that much and i will take your comments into mind thank you E


Well, that was graceful and sensible. Its not always easy to take criticism and I, for one, appreciate the effort. Maybe, if you get the chance you could share some advice with djevack about larger tanks.


triggerluv, dont post again. I already have had one person leave negative comments, there is no need for it. I so very very glad you are the fish master, and I will never reach your level of greatness. But im very excited about this project THAT WILL HAPPEN. So unless you have some useful advise dont bother posting. Im getting really tired of this. Its not like im putting some 1 million gallon tank in. This 2000g is not that unrealist.


i most certaintly will if he has a question i will be sure to answer it now isnt that the holiday spirit see things kinda get good after taking a prozac lol


dj i will help you so just please take back your last few comments and i will take back my last few negative comments i wish you all the best if you need any help just ask