220 FOWL Tank Diary



Hey R, I'll get the Seachem Copper kit, thanks, I'm wondering, should I remove the sand -? Thai, the Triggers don't fight at all. They swim together, they're buddies
I was thinking about the same thing Brian, cuz I have live rock in the sump for the biofliteration.
. Hey Peter, how long do I have the Cupramine in the tank -?


I would go 4 weeks . make sure you dont overdose . you should be able to reach the recommended level in two doses. I wouldnt take out the sand. removing the sand would be a real PITA plus you could cause an ammonia spike. Just monitor your copper level often.


Hey guys ! I finally had some time to bring the salt back up to 1.020. I just wanted to know if my procedure is ok -? Right now DT has 1.014, and I have a 32 gallon can of mixed 1.022 salt.
So can I remove 5 galllons from the DT and add 5 gallons of the 1.022 -? Or does it need to be at a higher level -? Thanks


According to my math, using 32gal of 1.022 to a 220gal tank of 1.014 water, will raise the SG by approximately 0.001
This is the math I used:
32gal is 14.5% of 220gal
Bucket SG - tank SG = 1.022 - 1.014 = 1.008
Multiply that by .145 (14.5%) and you get about 0.001


WOW, so I need a lot of salt. So I'll just add more salt to the 32 gallon can, so I'll raise the SG all the way up, then add to the display. Look like I'm going to the LFS for so more salt ! So it looks like a long process, talking about 120 gallons . WOW


Do it slowly though. Only raise it at most 0.002 per day and it's best to use a drip method, rather than do a sudden change.


Hey guys ! I have the Cupramine in my tank for about 7 days. I was wondering if it will be ok to add a Queen Angel to the display tank -? Thanks


I know it says on the bottle of Cupramine to raise the levels over 48 hours. So I wouldn't add a new fish until you finish treatment and then since you went through all this trouble, I'd QT any new additions before putting them in the DT.


Yea Pete, I know what you mean. I found some Queens at the place you recommended me,they have a lot. My QT is not ready yet, how long does it suppose to cycle -? Also they have a nice 6 in Golden Puffer that I want, but I don't think I can QT him in a 55 gallon.


They'll get more. I just think it's undue stress on a fish to go through shipping and then be put into a tank with copper at max levels. Safest thing to do is get your QT cycled, then start adding fish. I think the puffer would be ok by itself in a 55gal QT.


Happy Easter everyone ! Yea thanks Pete ! How long should it take to cycle the QT. What I've been doing is when I'm, taking out water from the display, I'll add it to the QT. I also took some pre-filter from the display,and put them in the QT. The only thing I didn't do, was putting in a powerhead, to get the water circulating. Its been a long process, trying to get this tank back to normal. I'm really busy at work, and when I get home, I'm too tired to mess with the tank. But I'm really determined to get it back in shape this week.My fishes have been without rocks in the tank, for a longtime, I feel bad for them. I'm just counting down the days to remove that copper. So 14 days is good -?


You could do copper for 3 weeks to make sure.
I'd put a powerhead in the QT to speed up the cycle and ghost feed. Have you started getting ammonia yet? The pre-filter from your display is a good idea, it should speed thing up. Personally I would put some live rock in there. That would really help with the cycle and if you ever need to treat any fish, just take out the LR.


Hey guys ! So its been 3 days since I dose the tank with Cupramine. Its at a reading of .05. I know I took a long time to get this done. The tank has been without rocks since Jan
So it looks like I got 18 days to go ! The QT is all ready to go with a Danner 400 hang-on Skimmer filter. I'm not sure who's going in first. But I have someone holding a Golden Puffer for me, Pete, you know who they are !
Hope all is well everyone !


Thanks Pete. After I am finish with the copper, what should I use to remove it after 3 weeks-?


I used Seachem Cuprisorb, but that's just because it was available locally. You can use carbon or any other copper absorbing filter media.


Hello all ! Hope all is well
So I got about 12 more days to go, then I'll be ready to put the rocks back in. But my 55 gallon QT has been ready to go,so I'm looking to add some fish to it.The 55 QT has a Danner 400 hang-on combo with skimmer and a Korila 400 PH in it.So I need a little help with a stocklist
Right now in my 220 I have :
Blue Hippo- 4in
Niger Trigger - 3in
Bluethroat Trigger - 3in
Yellow Tang- 2in
Skunk clown -1in
I would like to add a Purple Tang, Humu Trigger, a wrasse, maybe a Emperor and Queen and finally a Gold Puffer.
I am looking to get the Humu today, and put him in the QT.
What do you guys think -? Thanks


The humu will get along with your other fish just fine. I had one and it wasn't overly agressive, other than the occasional run in with the niger. What I didn't like about the Humu is that it constantly made a complete mess of my sandbed. If you have LS, expect it to be all over your rocks in no time. Mine actually took mouthfulls of sand, swam to the top of the tank and spit it out. It was snowing sand all the time, this was his favorite thing to do.
Have you considered a Goldheart trigger instead. I'm very happy with mine. Very cool and active fish and is not agressive at all, just minds its business. In fact it reminds me of a humu as far as character, minus the sand storms.