220 FOWL Tank Diary



Some good news to report.After adding about ten bags of carbon, the green tint is gone, and not only that, the tank is sparkling clear. It never look better. I'll have some pics up soon.
I also received the Tusk today, I'll QT him tonight


So the angels and Tusk has been in the QT for 15 days. I only dosed with Prazi once. How long should I wait till I add them in the display. I didn't add any meds for ick. Should I -?

crypt keeper

Active Member
did the angels have ich? I would hypo them all for 4 more weeks. THis will kill the ICH and be easier on their systems. any pics of the fish in the qt? How are the dwarfs getting along?


Hey Crypt ! No the angels don't have ick,I'm surprised . They all are getting along fine with the Tusk. So you say I should hypo. How should I do it -? I haven't done it in a longtime


I agree. Especially with a Tusk, I'd hypo before adding them to the DT. Check the disease forum, there's a detailed description on how to do it.


yes hypo is pretty easy, can lower it straight down to 1.009 SG leave it like that for a couple weeks or so then slowly do a water change every 2 days and add a little bit more salt each time. over about a month get it up to 1.025 or watever you want it as.


A couple of weeks is not enough to get rid of ich. The ich cycle is longer than that so to be sure, you need to do it for 3-4 weeks.


Active Member
Yeah, definitely 4 weeks of hypo. No reason to risk it by going too short. You mentioned on post 580 that you were going to do copper. Didn't end up doing that? So the flame ended up fighting back the ick? Unfortunately ick never truly dies without hypo or copper, so gotta treat either way.


Hey guys ! Sad to say, but the TUSK went belly up,along with the Flames and Bi-Color. There was just something weird about the TUSK, he never look right,just out of it. Sucks big time. No more Tusk's for me. In a weird way, I feel really really sad about the loss of these guys. I was just a few weeks away from adding them to the tank. So I say to myself, whats next -?
Get back the pair of flames -? The way I feel now, I'm just thinking about a Queen Angel. I love that fish !!! I'm confused


What happened to the angels? From what you said before, I didn't think they were sick. Did they all die at once? If they did, that's a sign something else went wrong.


Oh... well, that happens. We all make mistakes.
You can try a queen angel again, but you'll probably have problems with your emperor. Did the tusk die from cupramine too? Usually the Australian ones are pretty healthy. Do you have any eels? You can try some type of eel.

crypt keeper

Active Member
so what fish made it? none? That really sucks. I think the main issue was that you just went too fast again. You need to give your fish time. You have gone fast in the past. I wouldnt go queen angel.
I would get the qt straight. Maybe do a 50% water change on it. Test it for copper. Then go from there.


Yea Pete, you're right,we all make mistakes. I was doing ok for a longtime now. I'm so tempted to try a Queen again. Most of the time they ended up dying because they start to breath very heavy, I just don't know what causes them to do that. Also, I don't know what the Emperor might do -? The Aussie Tusk didn't die of Cupramine, he just didn't look right,colors were blotchy, and his eyes were cloudy.Eels, no way, not allowed in my household. I really want a Queen again, just one nice big fish and that's it. You're right Pete, why big some small fish for a big tank that can hold some large ones. What's the key to success for your Queen -?
Crypt, nobody made it,due to the overdose of Cupramine. Sucks.
I did a 50% percent water change, tested for copper, and got 0. So I'm up to that point .


I really wish I could tell you the key to my success with the Queen. I didn't do anything special. When I got her she was 2.5", pretty beat up and skinny. I had her in my QT for a little over a month where I fed her good stuff and watched for any signs of ich or other problems. Nothing showed up and then I put her in my DT where she's been ever since. She's been a pretty hardy fish, never gave me any problems. I never treated her with anything, including prazipro.
Oh yeah, one thing I did, I read online that I should feed her Cyclop-eeze when she's small and feed 3 - 4 times a day. So I did that when she was in the QT. Fed just small amounts but often.


Thanks for the tip Pete ! I'll definitely remember that. So for an update, I have an Adult Queen on the way, with two flame angels. I'm getting them on Tuesday. QT, is ready to go !
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Do you guys think that my Emperor established its territory,since being in the tank since last July, but I did add new rock and rearranged everything since mid November . Thanks

crypt keeper

Active Member
I would build some caves only one fish can fit in. I personally would add another large angel in the mix. Maybe a passer. Im not even kidding. If you add two more at the sametime IMo you will get better results.


Hey Crypt ! I was expecting you to get a little mad,about another Queen
. Another large angel huh, sounds good. But remember, I'm not planning on upgrading at all.

crypt keeper

Active Member
You will have to sell most of the fish regardless then. The angels will all grow over a foot. I dont get mad. You alreayd bought the queen. Might as well add another angel. Passer will eventually rule the roost. It may backfire it may work But i think you have a better shot at adding those two together with the lights off than adding 1 queen.
I would print out a photo of a queen angel and tape it to the tank. See how the emp reacts.