They again didn't have a Black Velvet Angel ready for shipping, but said no problem any time next week guaranteed. I informed them unfortunately I had no days where I would be available to acclimate them for at least the week 2 weeks due to work....At this point he offered a possible substitute.
My first thought was Juvi Emperor....Same price, I have always wanted one, why not....He walked back on the cordless phone and the Emp. had a scratch and had just arrived, he didn't feel comfortable sending him...He told me they had several Annularis that looked great....Beautiful fish, but not my favorite angel.
We were about to give up, when he said "Oh, I do have this beautiful Arabian Angel....Any interest?"
I said "Of course, but that must be about 3 times as expensive as the Black Velvet or Emperor"
He checked on it..."Well we have had him about a month, you have been waiting, and a good customer, I don't really want to keep this Sohal around for another few weeks.....If you want the Arabian, he's yours,"
Acanthurus Sohal
Arusetta Asfur
Sohal is about 3 1/2 inch, the Arabian (aka Asfur) Angel is 3 inch and as you can see already has adult cororation.