240 FOWLR in Progress


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Originally Posted by ccampbell57
If you decide against the Sohal, try the Vlamingi Male. Absolutely stunning fish.
Difference in M & F just the streamers like the Naso?? Adult Vlamingi are quite stunning....But big....Really BIG


You tank is coming along nicely! Can't wait to see it fully stocked.
I love the stock list!


Active Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Difference in M & F just the streamers like the Naso?? Adult Vlamingi are quite stunning....But big....Really BIG

Agreed they get big. But I have seen them in 8' tanks and do quite well at 14"+.
The male is darker and has streamers like the female


Active Member
Originally Posted by ace223
What kind of light is it? I'm looking for one for my sump.i need some help on this.
Sorry, just noticed you had asked earlier....I will PM you, it is from a competitors site, CCampbell uses this light and turned me on to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I think that I would definitely try the Sohal. Try getting the Red Sea version. I think that you will be good to go as long as you get him really small (2"-3"). You can also lower aggression by putting more fish in the tank so there is no real defined area.
If you decide against the Sohal, try the Vlamingi Male. Absolutely stunning fish.

My prized sohal... never picked on anything but the ray. And, unfortunately rays are sitting ducks with any nippers.
Get one
Get one
Get one
Get one


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy

My prized sohal... never picked on anything but the ray. And, unfortunately rays are sitting ducks with any nippers.
Get one
Get one
Get one
Get one

Wow, awesome fish Crimzy!! Was it hard choosing the Ray over him? Probably not....How big was he and how long did you have him? I am going to guess about 7 inch, his tail isn't super long like a full grown one in the pic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Wow, awesome fish Crimzy!! Was it hard choosing the Ray over him? Probably not....How big was he and how long did you have him? I am going to guess about 7 inch, his tail isn't super long like a full grown one in the pic.
I had him for about a year or so. And he lived peacefully with the ray for all but the last couple of weeks. It was tough getting rid of him but the ray (and shark at that time) was the centerpiece of the tank.
You're right, he probably was around 7" when I got rid of him. It was pretty sad because when I took him to the lfs, they put him in a 6' x 4' reef but he never seemed to acclimate well to his new surroundings. His colors were faded every time I went back to the lfs. In my tank he always had the striking colors that are shown in the pic.
Awesome fish... if I ever did a truly aggressive, large tank, I'd definitely get another one, with a clown trigger, huma, puffer, angel, eel etc... TANGENT!!! But anyway, I love sohals and they are relatively uncommon. One of my favorite fish ever.


Active Member
Looking back at my original planned list, there is not one single fish in the tank that was on said list
Oh well, just goes to show how many different fish we would all like to have.
Maculosus Angel is the new fish, other than getting lost for a day by FedEx, he is doing great and will make a great addition, in the end I wimped out of the Emp Angel due to the hardy nature of this fish....I will get an Emperor some day.
Heres Mac....He is 3 inch long....And a FTS, you can see I redid the rocks a bit...again.



Active Member
I think the Black Velvet Angel has become my favorite in the tank thus far...Personable, has an attitude, and always looking for me...Likes being photographed too.
As far as future fish....Just one to go and maybe an eel at a later date. I will add the Tang when I get back from vacation in mid July.
At this point I am saying
60% chance Sohal Tang
20% Dussimier Tang
20% Achilles Tang...Goodwin just got a beauty in his tank, reminded me how much I liked mine.
Eel would be either Brazilian Dragon Moray, or Goldentail Moray.



Active Member
Well, their natural diets are; large angels eat sponges and other tunicates, dwarf angels eat filamentous algae. Hair algae is neither . (Yes I know regardless, they're opportunistic omnivores that should have ate it by now . Just give it time, it will just take one to get the others interested.)
I don't think that's hair algae however. How hard is it to pull off? There is something very similar, Maiden's Hair, Chlorodesmis sp.
, also known as know as Turtle Grass. But I wish that name would disappear. Turtle Grass should refer to Thalassia testudinum
instead. Maiden's Hair is a bit tougher to pull out, GHA should come right off. Maiden's Hair almost grows longer then GHA, and looks similar to chaeto in texture, more so then GHA which can almost have a 'silk' like effect IMO. I had it spring up on my Wake2k and without thinking about it, I scraped it all off.
It would have been awesome to just let it incorporate the entire wavemaker. It doesn't spread at the rate of GHA, so it's easier to control.
All the fish look great. How's the Banana doing? Is he minding his own business? Yea, usually the largest fish will be most impressionable. Your little Niger looks awesome in that shot though. If you didn't know the adult coloration of a Niger, you swear that was a large Oceanic cruising the deep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Well, their natural diets are; large angels eat sponges and other tunicates, dwarf angels eat filamentous algae. Hair algae is neither . (Yes I know regardless, they're opportunistic omnivores that should have ate it by now
. Just give it time, it will just take one to get the others interested.)
I don't think that's hair algae however. How hard is it to pull off? There is something very similar, Maiden's Hair, Chlorodesmis sp.
, also known as know as Turtle Grass. But I wish that name would disappear. Turtle Grass should refer to Thalassia testudinum
instead. Maiden's Hair is a bit tougher to pull out, GHA should come right off. Maiden's Hair almost grows longer then GHA, and looks similar to chaeto in texture, more so then GHA which can almost have a 'silk' like effect IMO. I had it spring up on my Wake2k and without thinking about it, I scraped it all off.
It would have been awesome to just let it incorporate the entire wavemaker. It doesn't spread at the rate of GHA, so it's easier to control.
All the fish look great. How's the Banana doing? Is he minding his own business? Yea, usually the largest fish will be most impressionable. Your little Niger looks awesome in that shot though. If you didn't know the adult coloration of a Niger, you swear that was a large Oceanic cruising the deep.

Haven't tried to pull it out, it really doesn't bother me, and it does look like chaeto a bit. I am getting some red slime that I try to keep under control, in moderation on the rocks it doesn't bother me either, but it's getting worse. The Mac and CB pick at the LR all day, but no interest in either.
I'm quite happy with the lack of any real aggression in the tank, yeah the Wrasse does chase the Tusk, but rarely, the Sargassum chases the Niger some, and the Black Velvet chases whomever but half heartedly. It's kind of funny to watch him try to intimidate the wrasse, he slides up next to him and starts flickering his tail, and the Wrasse just ignores him. The Niger is so small still, even the Coral Beauty chases him.


Active Member
Sounds like everyone is having a good time. How big is the Banana now? Yea, the only thing I can see in 6months to a 1 year when the Mac decides the tank is 'his.' Your 'final fish' may circumvent this though.
My Blueface is unfortunetly a bit 'mouthy' when the Naso tries to enter his cave, he would swim right to his side, and I didn't think he was biting, but hit the Naso on his side. The Naso being a Naso, was like, "huh?" and just kept swimming. Then the Blueface tried that with the Goldbar, and hehe, the Goldbar didn't want any of that crap and let him know not to try that again. The Blueface is great with the Potters and puffer though. Which I didn't think was going to happen.