240 FOWLR in Progress


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I love that angel . Whats the low down on it ? How big do they get ,diet,min tank size ? Its beautiful .
Apolemichthys xanthurus, wasn't really on my radar until I went to Barnes & Noble and was looking through Fish books. The book (not sure the name) that essentially lists almost all fish and has a brief description of them, rated the Yellowtail/Cream Angel as the only Angel that was 5 on the hardiness scale. SWF.com has them for like $20 so it seemed a no brainer to me. They are kind of in between a dwarf and a big angel, max length of around 8 inch, traditional angel diet, mine seems thus far to be enjoying my LR. I like the idea of having a dwarf, a medium angel, and then a big boy later in my setup.....To be honest, I feel like I have been pretty successful thus far in this hobby with Triggers, Eels, Tangs, Wrasses and puffers, but have had no success with Angels, I figured the hardier the better for now.


Active Member
Few more pics now that the Angels are out and comfortable....Yellowtail is a little thin, but he is eating good and a good scavenger of the LR. Flame is very healthy and follows the Sunset Wrasse around, Wrasse lets him know who's is in charge rarely.



Active Member
That looks like a Tahiti Flame, I always thought they were the prettiest, this is a great example! Watching this is so much fun; I just HAVE to get another tank! (135 in the dining room, maybe? I'm single with 2 kids, we don't need that ugly hutch anyhow!)


Active Member
Coming along beautifully. At this rate, you're going to be done stocking that 240, before I am with my 125.
Want a flame angel now lol...


Active Member

Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Coming along beautifully. At this rate, you're going to be done stocking that 240, before I am with my 125.
Want a flame angel now lol...
I doubt it, I have a way to go....Yeah the Flame is beautiful and great personality.
I am still thinking M & F Bluethroats next in a few weeks, then another month to the Porky Puffer, then a few months to the Sohal Tang and Emperor Angel.....Thats the plan anyway.
Any suggestions on an RO from anyone? I am going shopping today I think.


Active Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I doubt it, I have a way to go....Yeah the Flame is beautiful and great personality.
I am still thinking M & F Bluethroats next in a few weeks, then another month to the Porky Puffer, then a few months to the Sohal Tang and Emperor Angel.....Thats the plan anyway.
Any suggestions on an RO from anyone? I am going shopping today I think.

I purchased one made by thefilterguys they are a good brand.


i also have a 120 from tenecor, ill post pics when everything is ready. do you have a picture of the sump running?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I doubt it, I have a way to go....Yeah the Flame is beautiful and great personality.
Lol ways for me too. Thinking of something different, in terms of stocking for an 'aggressive tank'. Well you already caught up and it looks like it will be at least 4 more weeks before my 2 fish from QT are ready.


Active Member
I had said I would post pics of the sump a while back so here goes.
If I had it to do over again, I would have done 48 inch long instead of 36, refugium side I like, but would like more room in the return as well as the skimmer side...Maybe someday I will upgrade it.
Skimmer side has all the water from the left side coming in and half the water from the right side (you can see the ball valve restricting for a slower flow to the fuge that works the right overflow). Stimmer side also has the mag 12 powering the Aqua C EV 240. The other tube coming in on the skimmer side is the return from the Emperor Aquatics 40 Watt Smart UV, the pump for that is a mag 2.5 sitting beside the big boy Mag 18 in the middle return section. The Mag 18 powers both returns....The fuge light (CCampbell suggested this light which is perfect
) runs 13 hours a day, it is on a separate outlet and timer out the right side, I have 20lbs of Aussy Spaghetti Rock, and some new Chaetomorpha...All the rest of the power runs to the wall on the left side (in pic 3), it's a mess I think

Questions, comments, and advice welcome as always

Pics of 2 new inhabitants tomorrow I hope....I will give you a hint....kjr_"TRIG"



New Member

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Few more pics now that the Angels are out and comfortable....Yellowtail is a little thin, but he is eating good and a good scavenger of the LR. Flame is very healthy and follows the Sunset Wrasse around, Wrasse lets him know who's is in charge rarely.
I thought you couldn't buy or keep 2 angels together(same tank) from SWF?
are those 2 angels ok if your also still doing a Emperor?


Active Member
Looks good. The only thing I see if that it seems the pump for the UV is in the skimmer side and the UV returns to the return area? If so, you make sure the UV pump is really low, just in case the return pump stops but the UV pump keeps working, just so the return side can fill up and spill back into the skimmer side.
As far as an inhabitants guess, you found a sargassum didn't you? Other one either that Emporer or a Tusk?