240 FOWLR in Progress


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Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Sounds like everyone is having a good time. How big is the Banana now? Yea, the only thing I can see in 6months to a 1 year when the Mac decides the tank is 'his.' Your 'final fish' may circumvent this though.
My Blueface is unfortunetly a bit 'mouthy' when the Naso tries to enter his cave, he would swim right to his side, and I didn't think he was biting, but hit the Naso on his side. The Naso being a Naso, was like, "huh?" and just kept swimming. Then the Blueface tried that with the Goldbar, and hehe, the Goldbar didn't want any of that crap and let him know not to try that again. The Blueface is great with the Potters and puffer though. Which I didn't think was going to happen.
Wrasse has crept passed the 5 inch mark, I think it's a she to be honest, they say as adults the males have more of a blueish tint and the girls more yellowish
It is always interesting to see how the dynamics of power work out in an aggressive tank as they "grow up". My money would be on the Sohal ruling the tank if I go that direction.


Active Member
Yea, IMO the Sohal would be like Leonardo in the Nijna Turtles. The Banana would be like Raphael. He could take Leo if he wanted to, but lets Leo think he's the boss, so Leo can control the minions, and he can continue to try and hunt hermits.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Yea, IMO the Sohal would be like Leonardo in the Nijna Turtles. The Banana would be like Raphael. He could take Leo if he wanted to, but lets Leo think he's the boss, so Leo can control the minions, and he can continue to try and hunt hermits.

Guess I better watch my munchkins TMNT video more closely
, but does Leonardo have razor sharp scalpal in his tail like the Sohal?


Active Member
Arg, TMNT.... Do yourself and your munchkins a favor and go to blockbuster or Nexflix or whatevery you do, and watch the original live action Turtle movie.
I mean, check out the keywords on IMDB, the second one is 'fish tank'!! You have to do it!


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Hi folks, I'm bringing this thread back as this algae continues to grow very slowly and not be eaten, it is only growing in one area on one rock....Could it be Bryopsis? My understanding is fish won't touch that?
1st pic with flash, 2nd without.
Should have new additions on Thursday with pictures too.



Active Member
I don't remember... you have any tangs in there? I figure a YT would take care of that in a heartbeat.. I guess unless it's that Bryopsis that you're talking about - I know little about that algae.


Active Member
Kirk it looks like you could solve that issue with a little Soul Glow :)
Seriously though, I think once your new fish gets in your issue will slowly deteriorate.


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Got a phone call today right before the fish were to be shipped and the Black Velvet Angel was not up to their standards for shipping.
Both the Sohal and the Black Velvet should now be delivered next Friday Aug. 8th, which is my next available day to be home.

Disappointing, but definately better to wait than getting a fish thats not doing well and not up to the stresses of shipping.


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Well, I "nuked" my tank with Red SLime Remover last week, and my LR seems very happy about it. I am getting all kinds of beautiful red Coraline on one of the rocks and these little guys are showing up on another rock, I can see about 20 of them so far, they are not even a half inch long. I am guessing some sort of feather duster? You can also be the Bryopsis is there, I pulled the rock out the other day and just pulled the strands off that I could, it will no doubt start over....Anyway, any info on these feather dusters I should know?


They don't hurt anything. I wouldn't be suprised if your wrasse eats them.


Active Member
Yup tube worms. They are fine and wont hurt anything. Just be careful when you are pulling the LR out with these guys on there. I have had many a tube worm tube find its way under my skin and it feels like fiberglass.


Hey KJR, keep us informed on how your sohal does in your tank. I'm thinking of getting one as well. Your tank is looking really good and the sohal is really gonna set it off. Hope he behaves!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Yup tube worms. They are fine and wont hurt anything. Just be careful when you are pulling the LR out with these guys on there. I have had many a tube worm tube find its way under my skin and it feels like fiberglass.
Do fish eat them? More specifically, do Wrasses, Triggers, and Angels eat them.