29 Biocube--A Work in Process


Active Member
LOVE THE ZOOS! :cheer: Few question for you (sorry if you already posted). What salt do you use? Do you add any calcium and/or buffer?


Originally Posted by azfishgal
LOVE THE ZOOS! :cheer: Few question for you (sorry if you already posted). What salt do you use? Do you add any calcium and/or buffer?

I buy my saltwater premixed from About the Reef. They use Tropic Marin (Pro Reef, I think). I've heard Instant Ocean is fine for a fish-only tanks, but reef tanks do better with Tropic Marin Pro Reef. I haven't added anything to my tank, but apparently everything is great because I have coralline growing like mad on the back wall of the tank (whether I want it to or not!). I haven't tested my calcium or alkaline levels, but maybe I should, just so I know what they are!


Originally Posted by larryndana
looking at your zoo pics again, that second pic....amazing. do you know the name of them, were they expensive?
Those are called Fire and Ice. All of those frags were just $10 each (except the first one--that was thrown in as a freebie! It's called Sunflowers and it was just 3 polyps when I got it, now it has 4 polyps and 2 or 3 little buds coming in already!
). Feel free to email me if you'd like any more info on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl

I buy my saltwater premixed from About the Reef. They use Tropic Marin (Pro Reef, I think). I've heard Instant Ocean is fine for a fish-only tanks, but reef tanks do better with Tropic Marin Pro Reef. I haven't added anything to my tank, but apparently everything is great because I have coralline growing like mad on the back wall of the tank (whether I want it to or not!). I haven't tested my calcium or alkaline levels, but maybe I should, just so I know what they are!
I would be interested to know what your calcium and alk is. Can you test for me? I use Tropic Marin, but maybe I should switch to Tropic Marin Pro Reef. :thinking:


Wow nice setup, i cant wait until my Bio Cube 29 come... I just order one not so long ago on ----... Got it for $190.00


Active Member
Originally Posted by sng
Wow nice setup, i cant wait until my Bio Cube 29 come... I just order one not so long ago on ----... Got it for $190.00
WOW! That's a great price!


Yes, angelfish do need larger tanks or else they will kill anything that comes across them till they have the whole tank to themselves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
Those are called Fire and Ice. All of those frags were just $10 each (except the first one--that was thrown in as a freebie! It's called Sunflowers and it was just 3 polyps when I got it, now it has 4 polyps and 2 or 3 little buds coming in already!
). Feel free to email me if you'd like any more info on them.
if they came in specimen cups with green tops for 10bucks, i know where you got them

they were out of fire and ice last time i ordered. oh that may have been you in another thread talking about you got some extras, oh well.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
I would be interested to know what your calcium and alk is. Can you test for me? I use Tropic Marin, but maybe I should switch to Tropic Marin Pro Reef. :thinking:
I'll either take in a sample or pick up a test kit for that sometime this week. I'll let you know what I find.


Originally Posted by nofly45
it looks like you are doing fine.what kind of filter do u have?
Just the stock filter that comes with the Biocube. I did take out the bioballs and put in LR rubble 'cause the bioballs were getting nasty.


Originally Posted by larryndana
if they came in specimen cups with green tops for 10bucks, i know where you got them

they were out of fire and ice last time i ordered. oh that may have been you in another thread talking about you got some extras, oh well.

Yep, they did arrive in urine specimen cups. My boyfriend wanted to know if we were supposed to fill them and send them back!


Picked up an orange ricordea a couple weeks ago. It was in the process of splitting and had seven mouths. Last week I did some minor surgery and split it into 2 sets of siamese twins and one set of siamese triplets; all seem to be recovering well. I found a pretty little fox coral last week and had to have it. My fireshrimp took an immediate liking to it, but the feeling wasn't mutual, so I had to do some rearranging to discourage the shrimp from hanging on the coral. Now the coral has opened up a little fuller and appears to be happier. And the shrimp just went back to hanging the the mushroom rock he shares with the goby.
So without further ado, here's updated pics of the tank and my new critters. The last pic is of my frogspawn eating--I just thought it was kinda neat.



that tank is the best I am going to my LFS today to get some zoos and some frog spawn but i will keep them in my 100 bow front untill my tank is ready


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
Yep, they did arrive in urine specimen cups. My boyfriend wanted to know if we were supposed to fill them and send them back!

yes, thats right fill them and send them back.


Active Member
AZ if you dont mind me asking, what type of lighting did you upgrade too? You seem to have the same hood on your tank that is given when you purchase the BioCube. Just curious if there is something I can buy to upgrade without getting into rewiring or using another hood. Thanks in advance.