29g The Not So Nano... Nano


Lol okay I will later tonight. I put one of my socks that I don't like under the drain tube and it cleared up for the most part in like 2-3 hours. It was like magic!!!!


So the water was clear enough to see what I was doing so I 'scaped the thing.

And after taking out all of the rock from the bucket I found this huge bristle worm. He is right above the flash and his tail curves towards the center. 10-11" easy.


This is the only tank for this thread. I had a 5.5 thread a while ago but I scrapped that and got this.
So I have exciting news! I just got back from my lfs and got the Octopus NW-110!!!!! It is freakin sweet. Anyone have experience with these? I know they have to break in but when will I know they have?
I also picked up a few extra goodies: shrooms, zoas, and emerald crab, and some kind of conch. I'll get pictures up later, my camera is dead


So the good news first: PICTURES!!!!!!!!

New zoas (upper left in first pic)

New shrooms and the anthelia

Digi doing great

New conch (I'm not sure what kind the lfs didn't help)

And I have baby snails growing in my tank!

New equipment (Reef Octopus NW-110)

Now for the bad news. My yellow watchman didn't make it. When I put him in he was really dark and breathing hard. I can't find him now so I assume he is gone.
The only coral that didn't make it was the xenia surprisingly.
Also my black clown goby took a ride down the drain. I saw him that day in the sump and decided to leave him to see if he would make it, he didn't.
Finally my shrimp didn't make it either, he was doing fine for a day then I found him dead on the sand. Probably the immediate change in water conditions.
But everything else is doing great, the new zoas are opening (I'd like some help finding the common names btw). The shrooms are starting to unfold, I really like the color.
I'm getting some minor microbubble problems but I think that'll go away soon. And I'm already getting some "healthy" skimmate.


New Zoas

Older Zoas

There are the green one, some cream colored, and pink ones.
Thats the best I can do. I only have an Olympus FE-230, not great for macro.


Because of all the changes my Royal and 6-line have ich.

I'm thinking hypo in a qt but are there any chemicals I can add straight to the tank without killing the corals?


Ich was short-lived. The fish are fine now.
I bought a super nass, another pep shrimp, and a scooter blenny a few days ago. The scooter didn't make it, but the shrimp already molted.
And I am coral-sitting for my brother-in-law so it looks like my tank is really stocked! He has some shrooms, rics, and zoas. All really nice looking corals.
His rics make me want to get some, they are so colorful!
My protein skimmer is pulling out some nasty stuff! It is a little wet right now. I have to empty the cup every two days. I adjusted it a little, so we'll see how that goes.
I'm looking into a SCWD so I can pull out the MJ1200 w/ wavemaker. It just takes up too much room but I love the alternating flow.
That is it for updates. Maybe I'll have some new corals.


Ugh! I have a homicidal drain. Just found my NEW pep shrimp and six line in the filter sock, dead.

Before that, while I was at work, my wife wakes up at 6 a.m. to gurgling sounds. The airline I have going down the tube does double duty at a fail safe. If the water level rises too high (past the airline opening) it creates a full siphon and drains down; therefore loud gurgling.
When I got home I was trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I had to take a mirror so I could look in the overflow box and found one of my astrea snails stuck in the opening.
So now I finally put some eggcrate in the overflow box and hopefully that'll keep the critters out.


Spent the rest of my fish fund today. Pretty sweet deals if you ask me.
Some sort of encrusting coral orange base with green polyps. Any IDs?

New zoas, also any common name IDs?

I saved the best for last. Green Birdsnest (or possibly portites or stylophora)! I know kinda common but I love the colors.


Thank you! Me too. I've really been wanting the stylophora and when I saw them at the store, the heavens parted and angels sang lol.


Ya now hopefully the tank gods will let me keep my new stuff lol.
Oh! When do you know to add supplements to the tank? My guess is that I need to buy the advanced test kits first.