2Quills, 120G Re-build thread.


Originally Posted by 2Quills
After deciding that it was way to hot outside to take the stand out and work on it, I decided to do it inside. Pluss I didn't want anything to blow onto the finish and get it dirty. So I wrapped the dinning room up in plastic and went to town.
You must have one understanding wife....LOL....
It looks nice....and white
shiny too


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
You must have one understanding wife....LOL....
It looks nice....and white
shiny too
I do lol....fortunately she wants to see this thing get built just about as much as I do so she's been lettin me get away with it. Once it's all done and we get the new furniture for in there I'll probably never be allowed back in accept to take care of the fish and to eat.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Very nice work!!!!!!
Did you close the back of the stand in more for sound deadening?
Yep, that's one of the reasons. I figure it will help keep the noise down to a minumum. That and less light from the fuge escaping out of the back as well, pluss if I ever spill any water in there it won't run out of the back and onto the carpet. Once I build the skin for it I'll make the center vertical piece removable if I ever have to take the sump out for whatever reason. Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
Yep, that's one of the reasons. I figure it will help keep the noise down to a minumum. That and less light from the fuge escaping out of the back as well, pluss if I ever spill any water in there it won't run out of the back and onto the carpet. Once I build the skin for it I'll make the center vertical piece removable if I ever have to take the sump out for whatever reason. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Question for, Anyone. Would anybody else here spend $800 on decorative trim molding if it meant having a really unique aquarium stand and canopy. Or am I just thinking crazy again?


Originally Posted by 2Quills
Question for, Anyone. Would anybody else here spend $800 on decorative trim molding if it meant having a really unique aquarium stand and canopy. Or am I just thinking crazy again?
If it is what I WANTED YES.....

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by 2Quills
Question for, Anyone. Would anybody else here spend $800 on decorative trim molding if it meant having a really unique aquarium stand and canopy. Or am I just thinking crazy again?
No way!
Do you know how much coral $800 can buy!?


Well-Known Member
$800 can buy some really nice pieces of coral for sure. I figure I can buy those anytime, but I'm going to build this cabinet once lol. I guess I'm just trying to talk myself into it because I really really like it and the wife is all for it. I think it would blow people away when they see it finished. And at the same time I'm trying to challenge myself a little bit to see what I can create.


Originally Posted by 2Quills
I guess I'm just trying to talk myself into it because I really really like it and the wife is all for it. .
Then do it....do it for you and your wife...that's what counts....I could care less what other people think....it's your tank....your house....ENJOY IT

shrimpy brains

Hey, if you wife is for it and you've got the dough, go for it! Just don't forget to post lots of pics!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, ladies. I don't generally have that kind of dough to just drop on things like trim molding but I think it will be something that we will both enjoy. I think I'm gonna go for it.


Originally Posted by 2Quills
Thanks, ladies. I don't generally have that kind of dough to just drop on things like trim molding but I think it will be something that we will both enjoy. I think I'm gonna go for it.
I know what you mean.....make it worth it...and if you BOTH will enjoy it...then it is worth it
can't wait to see the pics

shrimpy brains

Awesome! We will be waiting on the edge of our seats!!!


Well-Known Member
It will still be a little while, lots more work to do. But I'll give ya a hint...it will be a celtic theme. That's all I'm gonna say for now


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
Question for, Anyone. Would anybody else here spend $800 on decorative trim molding if it meant having a really unique aquarium stand and canopy. Or am I just thinking crazy again?
Crazy???? You know I would....I have to always push the edge!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well not too much to report on today. I put a 3rd coat of the urethane enamel on the frame durring the middle of the week...it looks pretty good, very glossy and is curring to a pretty hard surface. I'll probably do a 4th after the skin is finished and attached to the frame.
I did manage to start working on the skin today. I was hoping to get it all done but I have to go back and get another piece of poplar. I had bought the excact amount of pieces that I needed and cleaned out Lowes's stock of best poplar boards. Unfortunately one of them had a weak spot (crack) in it that I didn't see, so when I cut it the board split and fell apart. I'll pick up another one tommorow from HD and finish the front skin.
I think I'll probably start work on the canopy here pretty soon.



Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills
Question for, Anyone. Would anybody else here spend $800 on decorative trim molding if it meant having a really unique aquarium stand and canopy. Or am I just thinking crazy again?
This depends............What kind of molding are we talking about???
I would almost buy the cutters for the table saw and make my own trim for that cost. Then again, I have a table saw that would warrent such a purchase. Do you?