55GALLON!!! DIARY!!!!!! POST HERE what u think!!!!


Active Member
going to the fish store today to hopefully get a yellow watchman goby and some type of shrimp for a shrimp-goby combo!!! WOOHO ill post pics of my clowns and my new goby-shrimp combo when i get home :)


Don't flame me for this. But you are definitely moving way too fast by adding fish and corals before your water has finished its cycle. I know it is very hard to wait and you want your tank to have life to it. But you are doing the fish and every other inhabitant an injustice by adding them too early. What are your water parameters? Most likely your tank has not finished its cycle.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryno_mn
Don't flame me for this. But you are definitely moving way too fast by adding fish and corals before your water has finished its cycle. I know it is very hard to wait and you want your tank to have life to it. But you are doing the fish and every other inhabitant an injustice by adding them too early. What are your water parameters? Most likely your tank has not finished its cycle.

How dose a tank take over two months to cycle? My tank is almost 3 months old and I have a full stock list and a bunch of SPS and I have NEVER had a fish die or had a spike so I dont see where your coming from


Active Member
ur gonna have to wait till 2morrow for updates :p, and ya i sent him a pm and hes yet to respond i think hes been proven wrong :)

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
ur gonna have to wait till 2morrow for updates :p, and ya i sent him a pm and hes yet to respond i think hes been proven wrong :)
I mean I have seen a 300+gal take a few months to cycle but a 55 with LR?


Active Member
-pair of ocell clowns
-yellow watchman goby
-mandarin goby(green spotted) thats eats black worms and mysis and ive got pods and a fuge for him.
-14 white leg hermits
-around 10 blue leg hermits
-11 nass snails
-1 sand sifting crab
-blue leg pistol shrimp
-emerald crab
-red mithrax crab
-turle conch
-2 sand clams
-3 random snails

my light got backordered till wednesday so thats when i get it

its comn along good just need to do a few water changes and get a phosban to get rid of some hair algae and a tad bit of cyano!!!!


Active Member
o ya and i think im getting a copperbanded along the road....cant wait hope mines like alix and urs and doesnt eat coral

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
whats ur stock list mattb?
Lets see here I cant name coral or inverts but heres my fish and this is my 75
3 chromis
2 clowns
2 cardinals
small fairy wrasse
and for corals
one clam
serpent star
cleaner shrimp pistol shrimp
and thats all I can think of thats not a snail or hermit
I know its a large bioload but I do 20% everyweek and a fuge and a very good skimmer


Ok first off, if you don't want peoples advice then why ask for it? Matt, 2nd, I see you have a Mandarin in your tank that has been up for e 3 months???? I really hope you plan on feeding it 200+ pods per week, ($20) or it will die. Do some research on here. And 3 months is not a long enough time for you to say that nothing will happen. That is still a new tank and your tank can still go through changes. I just offered my advice and if you choose to take it thats fine. I guarantee you I'm not the only one on here that has this same opinion.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryno_mn
Ok first off, if you don't want peoples advice then why ask for it? Matt, 2nd, I see you have a Mandarin in your tank that has been up for e 3 months???? I really hope you plan on feeding it 200+ pods per week, ($20) or it will die. Do some research on here. And 3 months is not a long enough time for you to say that nothing will happen. That is still a new tank and your tank can still go through changes. I just offered my advice and if you choose to take it thats fine. I guarantee you I'm not the only one on here that has this same opinion.
Um no I do noy have a mandarin but ok?