spsaddict I'll definately contact you soon... thanks...
Scubagirl, I got the regal angel at a local retailer/wholesaler that receives all of his shipments direct from the collectors. I paid just $85 for him, although they typically go for a little bit more than that. He is about six inches and well into adulthood. This fish is the only fish in it's genus (Pygoplites) and stays small for a non-Centropyge angel (around 10 inches or so). They are notoriously hard to adapt to aquariums, but recently many people are having more success with them. Getting them feeding is one of the major hurdles, and mine came in eating like crazy, and now has to fight my swarm of cardinals for food. Juveniles of this angel are rarely imported, but have just about the same color with the only difference being an eye spot near the dorsal fin. Those regals from the Indian Ocean and Red Sea have yellow chests like mine, but those from the Indo-Pacific region have a blue chest (although some Indo-Pacific regions have yellow chested varieties). It's one of the toughest angels to get to adapt, but once adapted is hardy.
He's been fine with all of my corals and clams, but did take out some zoanthids left over. I knew this would happen though after doing research and finding they love zoanthids.
On a side note I recently got back from a business trip to Guam where I saw these for the first time in the wild... here is a shot of one I took... arguably the most beautiful fish in the ocean... although most people should not try them...