700+ gallon Ray Pool


Active Member
About time you got them out of that kiddy pool

Very nice work...I'm here for the show


I just got a PC a couple of years ago and still dont know much about them, just got away from dialup this summer and had a reciever of some kind put up on the antenna for high speed and now it does'nt take 45 minutes to upload a pic and thats no fooling. Well its sign off time in Ill. , keep you updated. Good night John boy. LOL


I believe I used to buy hardwood lumber from a place there when I had my cabinet shop some years back, is that on the river?


Originally Posted by Dean1956
I believe I used to buy hardwood lumber from a place there when I had my cabinet shop some years back, is that on the river?

Yup real close to the river.Were about 10 mile south of peoria.


A couple of updates: we (my helper and I) fisished up putting on the second layer off luan on the wall (with lots of PL400) and did some more blocking between floor joyces and layed cut out a couple pieces of 3/4" ply for the first layer of the floor. Since the pond is 9' across I am going to stagger the seams and the 1/2" top layer will cover the previous seams. Was looking at pavers today "at save big money at Menards" to put under the pond so if something were to happen water wise it would be up off the floor, so they need to go under and then do alittle shimming and then the floor can be glued and stapled down (I think)


I'm seriously thinking about building a spillway or small waterfall for my return, I think it would definantly help on the o2 and look neat if it's done right. How about some ideas, I would like it to be 3' wide. I guess I don't have to do it right away but if I do it's 2 less holes for bulkheads. One thing I just thought of since the water is only 18-20" deep do you think it will blow the sand away underneath it?