700+ gallon Ray Pool


I've been working off and on this project for the last couple of months and thought I would share it with this forum. I'm laying out the top and bottom plates using good 7 ply plywood. It has a 10' outside radius with a 9' inside.


Doubling up the 3/4" plywood plates so i have a 1 1/2" top and bottom plate. My 8 year old grand son really like the power tools.


top and bottom plates a joined together with corigated fasteners and lots of staples and every thing is held together with pl 400 construction adhesive


the inside wall will have as it shows 2 layers of 1/4" luan and the outside of the pool will have one skin of luan. The floor joyces are on 16" centers and will have blocking and will be blocked up from the floor as not to have any sagging.The floor will be 1 layer of 3/4" and 1 layer of 1/2" on top as to cover the 1st layers seams. The water depth will be max of 22" which will give me 850 gallons but will keep it more like 18-20" which will give me in the high 700 gallon range if I remember right. I will paint it first before i put in the 30 mill blue fish safe pon liner. Wanted to get a custom liner made but I felt it was'nt worth the 350.00 dollars so I will just buy the sheet piece and drop it in and deal with the wrinkles which wont hurt a thing.

eric b 125

this is sweet dean. are you going to do anything other than the rays? how do you plan on cleaning the far side of this beast? figured out an equipment list yet? i'll be following along for sure!!!


No the avitar is a pic of my Ray in the pond of where it came from in St. Louis. Wish i was done but I hope I will be to the place of ordering the liner next week or folowing week and then it's plumbing time.


i think it will be Rays only 4-5 since the California Round live longer and happier in 65-70 degree water and there isnt any tropical fish that can survive in those temps. As far as equipment all i have right now is a 48x18x18 sump with a Dolphin 4200gph pump. I'm going to build my skimmer with some help I hope and i will make a denitrator which is'ny all that hard. Down the road I will go to a sand filter.


Originally Posted by Dean1956
i think it will be Rays only 4-5 since the California Round live longer and happier in 65-70 degree water and there isnt any tropical fish that can survive in those temps. As far as equipment all i have right now is a 48x18x18 sump with a Dolphin 4200gph pump. I'm going to build my skimmer with some help I hope and i will make a denitrator which is'ny all that hard. Down the road I will go to a sand filter.
WE love different projects :)
and I have been waiting for this one


The pic looks decieving but I can walk around to the back side. If something need cleaned in the middle i have real nice looking black rubber slip on farm boots


Some how I hit a wrong key here and I have a full screen and lost all my tool bars, how do I get back to a normal screen with out shutting down?