75 gallon tank build!


Active Member
How much room do you have under your stand......I'm asking in reference if you scrap your existing sump and build from scratch. It might also be possible to plug the hole that the original owner drilled for the pump and drill your own hole lower to remount your return pump.


I have about 38" of room under my stand, the pump thats in my sump is just one that sits in there, there isn't any holes drilled or anything. I thought about reworking this sump to turn it into a refuge, but it wouldn't be big enough. So my plan was to make a new sump, which i already priced out, it would be less than 200 dollars, and then use the old sump as water storage for my automatic top off.


Yep, going to have the storage tank around the corner from my DT and run piping over there, I won't have enough room under my tank with my refuge.


Heres the design for my refuge, simple but effective.

I plan on having teeth on the baffle leaving the refuge so nothing accidently floats out.
Any advice or improvements are welcome!


Active Member
It's workable this way, but not sure it's a great design....Check out Melevsreef.com and do a little searching there and will give you ideas on a better layout.....As far as teeth on that baffle....Could lead to micro bubble issues.....That is dependent on how far of a drop the water has over that baffle. It is done, but with careful planning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build/120#post_3452335
Heres the design for my refuge, simple but effective.

I plan on having teeth on the baffle leaving the refuge so nothing accidently floats out.
Any advice or improvements are welcome!
Make sure 6" is enough room for your skimmer to operate effectively. Second, a 15" refuge is a big one for a 75 gallon tank. I would say make it 10" increase your return side by 2" and your skimmer section by 2".
Here is the main issues in this design though. Skimmers are made to sit in about 6-8" of water, to operate effectively. You have it in about that. You can raise it if needed with eggcrate with PVC legs. However, that means your refuge is probably an 1" lower than that. Which makes it probably 5-6", high, so we end up with say a 3-4" sand bed for it to be really effective and that leaves you with 2" or so to add algae and LR.
If you go with Skimmer Section -> RETURN <- Refuge. This will allow for you to run the skimmer and the refuge at equal height if needed. You would simply T off your overflow and use ball valves to control how much goes into your fuge or skimmer section. This can be beneficial also as you want a smooth steady flow through your fuge.
The bigger the RETURN section the less frequent you will have to worry about your pump sucking air. Also if and when you decide to add an ATO to your system, it won't have to turn on so often, which extends the life of the pump instead of it cutting on for a few seconds at a time.


Yeah, I was actually thinking about doing Skimmer->return<-Refuge, 6" is plenty of space for my skimmer. I heard that the bigger the refuge, the better, but if i could get by with 10" then I would be fine with that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build/120#post_3452343
It's workable this way, but not sure it's a great design....Check out Melevsreef.com and do a little searching there and will give you ideas on a better layout.....As far as teeth on that baffle....Could lead to micro bubble issues.....
That is dependent on how far of a drop the water has over that baffle. It is done, but with careful planning.
This could be an issue and it has to take into account how big each section is along with how much flow is used. If the drop is 2" but the flow is slow will allow for the bubbles to surface. If it is 2" and the flow is strong, it may just pull the bubbles past the bubble trap. I had that issue when I first turned on my pump. I would say a difference of 1/2 to 1" from one section to the next would not be to bad, also realize that teeth limit flow. Having a straight edge baffle will allow more flow. I would also make sure I add the ability to add a sponge in the bubble trap to assist in bubble removal.
Here is a picture of my sump, I run 2 seperate tanks, the refugium is a complete mirror of this and they are plumbed together. However, you can see the foam block I inserted. Plus it catches debris before it gets back into your tank. Super easy to clean. Just shake in WC water.


Well, if I were to build it that way, I could just make a 10x12x16 acrylic tank, split the water coming from my DT, buy a internal overflow box and plumb the refuge into my return section of my existing sump and you have basically the same thing as that design.


Active Member
I'm confused; lost a bit, when you say about buying and internal overflow box and plumb it to your fuge......Is your tank already drilled or undrilled.....


I'm saying if I go with the design recommended, I can just get a small acrylic tank to use as my refuge, then put a small internal overflow box in my refuge and plumb it to the return of my sump I have now, this way I wouldn't have to build a whole new sump.


The return section is going to be about 10 gallons roughly, refuge area around 10.5 gallons and the skimmer section roughly 9 gallons.


Active Member
That is not bad at all. With an auto top off putting in about a gallon a day should work out.


Active Member

I'm going to build a 12x12x16 reservoir for my top off so it fits under my stand
Sounds like it will holed about 8-9 gallons and need to be filled about once a week depending.