75 gallon tank build!


Update: I ordered my overflow kit and drill bit today, should have it some time next week!

I moved my tank last night to make room for my refuge that will be set up beside my DT.
I'm going to start building my stand tonight that will put that 20 gallon at the same height as my display tank, but here is the general idea of how it will be set up. Its very hard for me to take pictures, my tank is at the bottom of my stairs, and I have to go up the stairs to get a full shot of everything, lol. I think that i'm going to buy some I hooks and wire and hang my light from the ceiling over my tank.
I also finally found the part to fix my leaking hookup for my RO unit.
They had the exact piece I need, 1/2 threaded to 1/4 clamp for 1/4 pvc tube! I was so happy when I found it, I was getting so tired of that leak!
After my stand is built here is the next project
Need to get that RO unit hung up on the wall. I need to buy some 1/4 pvc tubing, and cut all the other pieces to the appropriate length. i'm going to empty that 29 gallon into the 54 gallon tote I bought and put a power head in it. I want to use this tank as my QT for my new additions. I'm going to move this tank over around the corner from my DT, so I will need to run a longer line for my ro unit. In the future I would like to install a float valve on some sort of container so I can store fresh ro water, my system has a 3 gallon storage tank, but its not enough when I need to mix up some saltwater for a water change, or if I ever needed to do a emergency water change and didn't have the water on hand.


Well-Known Member
Need to get that RO unit hung up on the wall. I need to buy some 1/4 pvc tubing, and cut all the other pieces to the appropriate length. i'm going to empty that 29 gallon into the 54 gallon tote I bought and put a power head in it. I want to use this tank as my QT for my new additions. I'm going to move this tank over around the corner from my DT, so I will need to run a longer line for my ro unit. In the future I would like to install a float valve on some sort of container so I can store fresh ro water, my system has a 3 gallon storage tank, but its not enough when I need to mix up some saltwater for a water change, or if I ever needed to do a emergency water change and didn't have the water on hand.
Hi, I also have a 3g holding tank for my RO unit. I have a seperate plastic can that I pour the RO water into until I have the amount of water I want and use a power head to mix my salt. I use egg crate over the mouth and spread a table cloth over that (keeps dust and dog hair out). I always have emergancy mixed water on hand, and I use that water for WCs, then I mix new SW after I use it up. Unless you mix the water with salt mix you won't have emergency water on hand since it should churn and mix 24 hours before use.


I think i'm going to take the rubbermaid tote I bought last night and clean it out real good, then use it to mix my salt water. I was just kinda getting concerned last night with it, the sides were bowing outwards because of the weight of the water, but if the lid is on it, I don't think it should have any problem staying together. This way I will always have saltwater store, and the lid will keep dust out, and reduce evaporation! I was thinking about buying a brute trash can to store my saltwater, but they are so expensive!


Good news checked my parameters today
specific gravity 1.026
ph 8.2
ammonia 0-.25
nitrite .1
nitrate 20
My ammonia levels are finally coming down, going to check at the end of the weekend and hope they are 0 along with my nitrites!


Received my overflow kit on saturday! I leak tested my tank and everything is good! I'm going to drill the tank tonight and get the box fitted in place. Still waiting on a stand for the tank, then all thats left is to plumb it into my existing lines and my refugium will be online!


Yep! Got my refuge tank drilled today and installed my overflow box! Bought the lumber and supplies to build the stand, and built the top section of it tonight, also bought all the plumbing supplies aiming to have my refuge online by the end of the week!


Ammonia and nitrites are still the same ;( hoping by the end of the week they are 0 so then I should only have about another week until I can add a little friend!


Going to get pictures of my progress so far on my DIY tank stand, its coming along nicely. My next project is going to be a canopy for my tank to house my light.


I'll make you wait longer seth! ;P jk

Assembling the top half of my stand

Top half finished and thourougly braced ;P, Yes that middle board is slightly crooked, but it worked out fine lol

Assembling the bottom half, glue takes forever to dry grrr

Bottom half glue and screwd together

Making a leg!

Legs attached to the top, with the bottom sitting on there, the stand is sitting upside down in this picture

Almost there, had to move the garage my workshop doesn't have lights!

Ready for paint!


No problem! Missed some pics when I was putting the legs on because my phone needed charged lol, I have found to really enjoy DIY projects!


I'll have it painted tonight and the plumbing done finally! I might have to redo the whole one section from the return pump, I need to add a tee in there, but he used flex hose for the most of it, and didn't leave enough pipe to connect a tee in, if so i'm going to need some more plumbing parts.