90 gal build log


well, I know I was going to wait a little longer to add some more fish but I absolutely fell in LOVE with this mated pair of clowns! My LFS was having a 30% off sale this weekend so I got them for $35!! I hope they will host my bubble coral! I was hoping that of my first clown (before he dissapeared!) but he never took to hosting anything. This pair went straight for it and are hovering above it while every now and then rubbing against it. It's pretty big and I'm sure has a strong sting. I think it will take them a while to "acclimate" to it. The only thing I have to worry about it this evil blue damsel. I'm not sure if it's male or female but the other three dont have the blue on their fins like this one does and it's super agressive! I'm hoping that the female clown will be able to hold her own. Well, wish me luck!
I also went to a frag swap and picked up another hammer coral and an orange ricordia. I'll post pics when the hammer decides it likes it's new tank.



Here's the pictures of everything I got today. There is a new Hammer coral (green tips) and an orange ricordia along with my two clowns. I'm pretty sure I can put my other hammer next to this one. They wont hurt each other will they? The other one is pretty much pink all the way and I would like them together so I can make some room on my frag rack. any thoughts on this?



Originally Posted by meowzer
Looks nice....I think you have to keep stuff away from the bubble tentacles reach
really? I was under the impression that the lps wouldn't really hurt each other. Well, I guess that's why I asked is because I wasn't sure. I did see in one of my LFS that they had an LPS tank and most of them had grown so large that they couldn't help but touch. Thinking about it though, there weren't any bubble corals in that tank. I'll move the hammer a little further away from the bubble just to be safe. Do you think that the two hammers can touch though? Or do you think that would be dangerous?


LOL...I know when I got my bubble....everyone told me to make sure I kept stuff away from the sweeper tentacles reach.


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I know when I got my bubble....everyone told me to make sure I kept stuff away from the sweeper tentacles reach.
yeah, that's pretty much the same warnings i've gotten. Since mine is sooo HUGE it's difficult to find a place for any new corals since alot of the free space is near that darn bubble!
Well, I think I'll try it with the hammers but move them a little further away from the bubble. I need to move the bubble further over too because it's gotten so big that it's threatening my corky finger gorg!

Thanks for posting! I think everybody else quit on my thread!


Well, after the last two clowns ended up dieing I was absolutely distraught about it. So, this past weekend I went to yet another sale at a different LFS and bought one more pair of clowns. The last three clowns come from one LFS about an hour away from me. This pair came from an LFS alot closer and they are WAY bigger.... like 2 inches +. Well, since I learned my lesson the hard way I made sure my QT was up and running and ready for the new pair. So far they are doing great and are a true bonded pair. The male shimmies for the female (fun to watch) which was scary at first because I thought he was having a seizure!

The plan for the evil damsels is to take apart the entire reef to get all four of them out and give the tank a good clean. I will rearange the rocks to better fit my needs now and then put the clown pair in. This will all happen after christmas because that's when I'm getting my new skimmer! I will need it to eat up all the crud I'm gunna kick up doing this.
Enjoy the pictures and pray for babies!



Hey melyp can u explain to me how ur qt tank is setup? Is a seperate system completely with just water n filtration? What elements do u add to qt the newfish??


My QT is just a 10 gallon tank with a HOB filter that was used on my nano and a berlin air-lift skimmer. The skimmer is pretty crappy and not good for much else but it does pull some crap out of the tank so I put it in there as I guess over kill. They have a clay pot to hide in and some pvc fittings but that's about it. I'm keeping them in there until I can get the damsels out of my display which will be after christmas because I have to tear apart the whole tank to do so.
Alot of people put their new fish through hypo salinity and treat with all kinds of meds right off the bat. I will only treat or change the SG if I see something wrong wtih them.


Nothing eventful has happened lately except losing my last pair of clowns and getting a new larger pair. but I've already told you all about that. so I'm just going to post a ton of pictures and tell you what everything is in them.
In order:
1. Cactus coral (or so I'm told)
2. torch coral (showing huge growth)
3. blue polyp birdsnest (also growing quickly)
4. Green Zoas of some kind (9 polyps now from 5)
5. Corky finger gorgonian (sometimes referred to as a sea fan)



Again I dont have anything to update so I'm just posting new pictures for the month of December. I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
In order:
1. Green tipped Hammer coral (doing well for being new)
2. Mushroom rock (the new green rics are growing well, but i can't get a good pic)
3.Candy canes (Now up to 4 heads with two more forming in the middle of the other four)
4. Pink Hammer coral (This is much prettier than in my pics.. there are light blue tips on this)
5. Red Kedd zoas (no new growth that I can tell but they haven't been with me that long)



I think this is my last batch. I forgot to take a FTS so I'll work on that. The water is a little cloudy which is why my pictures look like poo today.
In order:
1. Various monti caps (green one is growing well still)
2. Kenya tree (hasn't fragged itself in a while although I negglected it for some time now)
3. Emerald crab (he can actually smell when I drop nori into the tank for him)
4. Chalk basslet (brought ick into the tank and killed my tang, but a model citizen since then
5. Blue damsel (this is the leader of the pack, there are four, and they are responcible for me losing all the clowns I've put in the tank. They are the ones I'm going to tear apart my tank for!
Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed my pictures. I love to take pics so you all know to expect more later on including an FTS.



Originally Posted by Katsafados
Looking good Mely!
OMG! You stopped by! I can't believe it! It's been just me and meowzer for so long! Well, I can't for get Asharp.... who has stopped by from time to time.
thanks for the compliment and for stopping by! woo Hoo!!!!


Originally Posted by meowzer
Looking great...I see you have a chalk bass too...LOL...I love mine
thanks for checkin in meowzer! Yeah, I love my billy bass but he's the one who brought ick into the tank and killed my lovely tang. I still love him but I was dissapointed too. I guess it was my fault for not having a QT up and running for him. Oh well... Lessons learned!


I finnaly got those darn evil damsels out of my tank! I'm selling them along with a few corals today so I had to completely dismantle the rockwork to get the fish out.
I learned a LESSON! Only buy fish you want to keep forever!!!
It is really difficult to get them out if they are healthy and you have alot of rock like me. My new rock scape is what I wanted to do orriginaly but it just didn't work out that way because I didn't ahve all the rock I needed until way later. I'll post pictures later when the water clears. I ended up doing like a 20 gallon water change in the process of all this. I think that's a good thing because i needed to give my tank a good scrub and when I got all the rocks out there was a really gross layer of "dirt" on the sand. So I got a chance to syphon all that out and replace it with clean water. Hopefully the one fish I left in there and my inverts will survive all that activity.
My new pair of clowns will go into the tank in a few days if it continues to test ok. After that I'm working on getting metal halide lighting and an anemone for the clowns. My metal halide lights wont be the ones you can buy online or that have a name brand.
Stay tuned for pictures of the new rock scape!


well, here are the pictures of the new look. This is along the lines of what I wanted to do originally. I'm apparently not very good at aquascaping but it will do and once my corals grow in completely you wont be able to tell anyway. I'm sure I'll be moving a few corals like my monti caps (various colors) so that I can epoxy them into place, but ths is where they will most likely stay forever. I cut out the xenia to sell, but to my dismay there is a little piece left on the rock so I'm not totally rid of them. My bubble coral is really small right now because it was left in the tank while I was re-arranging things. It's not very happy with me right now.
enjoy the pics!



I forgot that I wanted to show you guys our snow! We got a very unusual cold front that actually brought snow to dallas! Usually we just get sleet or ice but these were actual flakes! It didn't stick to anything except the cars. You can really see it in the picture of my black truck. I hope we get more!!!



I got a purple firefish FINNALY!! He's pretty good size too.... I got some pictures but I gotta wait until I get home to post them. He's been in the tank for a few days... he's my christmas present from my boyfriend!
stay tuned for updates!