well, I know I was going to wait a little longer to add some more fish but I absolutely fell in LOVE with this mated pair of clowns! My LFS was having a 30% off sale this weekend so I got them for $35!! I hope they will host my bubble coral! I was hoping that of my first clown (before he dissapeared!) but he never took to hosting anything. This pair went straight for it and are hovering above it while every now and then rubbing against it. It's pretty big and I'm sure has a strong sting. I think it will take them a while to "acclimate" to it. The only thing I have to worry about it this evil blue damsel. I'm not sure if it's male or female but the other three dont have the blue on their fins like this one does and it's super agressive! I'm hoping that the female clown will be able to hold her own. Well, wish me luck!
I also went to a frag swap and picked up another hammer coral and an orange ricordia. I'll post pics when the hammer decides it likes it's new tank.
I also went to a frag swap and picked up another hammer coral and an orange ricordia. I'll post pics when the hammer decides it likes it's new tank.