An exchange I had with Rush Limbaugh...


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most people would move to get a job that will mean security to them.
It is not the first choice, but maybe necessary.
There are jobs out there, but employers are being beyond picky. And they may be in another state. A friend of ours worked for a company for 18 years. Brought in millions of dollars for that company every year. He was laid off because the company decided to bring in someone that they didn't have to pay so much. He is moving to Atlanta for his new job and changing careers.
Its all mixed up yes, but we all have to do whatever it takes to maintain our job security and that can change daily sometimes.
IMO, you need to find a company in your area that has jobs that you want. See what jobs they have open (even if it is not what your education is....) and try to get in the door .


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I love it...
You got yourself a degree or two, don't feel like you are making enough money, and it's whose fault? Bush? The economy? Well, as long as it's someone elses, huh?
There is no such thing as "overqualified" or "underpaid." There are only those who either expect too much or look in the wrong place for a job, or are unwilling/unable to put forth the effort to find the jobs/money, preferring to whine instead. This is the same kind thing as when left wings throw out phrases like "shipping our jobs overseas." They aren't "YOUR" jobs. They are jobs going to people willing to work for less money.
The bottom line is that if you have the degrees you claim to (I'm in no position to challenge you on that so I won't), there are only a few possible reasons why you are underpaid.
A) Your expectactions are too high. Many people get a reality check outside of college. My fiance thought she was going to be making 60 grand out of college. It didn't work out that way, she's making much, much less than that. She doesn't blame others, she blames herself for believing what the school shoveled her and for getting an undervalued education. So, if that's the case, sorry you wasted your money. If you say your job is worth 100,000 per year, and you are making 60, it's either because you are expecting too much, or because architectual engineers only make 60 where you live. In either case, you aren't overqualifed or underpaid.
B) You live in an area where the jobs aren't. If you have a degree in whack-a-mole repair, then you best live near a carnival.
C) You aren't looking hard enough or are being too picky. It took me over a year to find a good job out of school, at about 60% of what I thought I could expect. 7 years later, I'm at that same company, making about what I expected to straight out of school. It was a harsh reality check.


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Limbaugh and O'Reilly are ruining the country
Yeah, OK whatever.
So let me get this straight. You go to school to get two degrees, neither of which will allow you to earn what you think your worth and you think you're the smartest guy in the room?


Active Member
You guys should live in texas, I also with 2 degrees, found a job, at 1,000 less that I wanted. 8-5. With very little stress, good, causal work environment. I graduated in May started the first week of august.

bang guy


Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Me (Cutting In): I think it's a great example to use, because the unemployment rate doesn't have a number to tell you who is working in a job they are overqualified for, it just tells you who is working in general. So please tell me how the Bush administrations policies and tax breaks to move jobs out of this country aren't making it tough for the average guy out there like me? (Cont'd next post)
I agree with your assessment of the unemployment rate but you mistated something. These policies and tax breaks were implemented during the Clinton Administration
, not the Bush administration.


Active Member
I will say I have no college degree and own my own buisness.I have a friend that graduated with a masters degree in buisness from University of Florida and is bouncing from job to job.If you ask me it their fault that they take that low income job or just did not do your research to see if what you where going to school for is needed like other sayed befor me.I also know other people with a degree from colleges and they are smart book wise but life wise they are dumb as a box of rocks.Degree will only get you so far you have to sell yourself to someone.If you do not have confidence in yourself do you think a major company is going to?


I think the issue stems from the fact that there are WAY more people than available adequate jobs.
It all boils down to the warning labels.

I mean if the big companies would just simply LET the idiots use the blow-dryer in the bathtub, and LET them use the iron in a swimming pool and LET a guy drink a bottle of shampoo or not wear eye protection using muratic acid, then more jobs would be available.
It all boils down to those stupid warning labels... They are SO interfering with Darwin's rule.


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Originally Posted by Tizzo
It all boils down to the warning labels.

I mean if the big companies would just simply LET the idiots use the blow-dryer in the bathtub, and LET them use the iron in a swimming pool and LET a guy drink a bottle of shampoo or not wear eye protection using muratic acid, then more jobs would be available.
It all boils down to those stupid warning labels... They are SO interfering with Darwin's rule.

lol, or let the guys trim the hedges with a lawnmower


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I will also say on the unemployment issue to 10% in 1970 and 5% in 2008 it is not a good comparison in my eyes.They population difference between the two is night and day.


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Originally Posted by digitydash
I will also say on the unemployment issue to 10% in 1970 and 5% in 2008 it is not a good comparison in my eyes.They population difference between the two is night and day.
Well we have had about a 33% increase of population. So to maintain the 5% unemployment rate then that would indicate we've had an 58% increase in the number of jobs. From 1970 till now.


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Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
...And if you think that is being arrogant, then you are grossly misinformed about the way the American economy is "supposed" to work....
Please show me where in the Constitution of the United States it states or implies that you should get paid based on the Degrees you have.
Professional athletes and entertainers get paid millions while teachers, emergency responders and soldiers get paid $40,000 a year.
I'm sorry, but a Capitalistic society does not in any way guarantee you a certain salary, no matter what your education.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Please show me where in the Constitution of the United States it states or implies that you should get paid based on the Degrees you have.
Professional athletes and entertainers get paid millions while teachers, emergency responders and soldiers get paid $40,000 a year.
I'm sorry, but a Capitalistic society does not in any way guarantee you a certain salary, no matter what your education.
Are you sure, because I think I remember reading that if you have two degrees and/or you throw a hissy fit in the middle of the floor that you will get what you want. I could be mistaken though.


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Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
...Come on, are you serious? In the most advanced economy in the world, you expect people to just up and relocate because the jobs moved somewhere else?...
That's how a Capitalistic society functions.
Higher paying jobs are offered to attract people to them. Not the other way around. Did you expect to graduate college and have a company to come to you and offer to build an office in your neighborhood so they can hire you?
I'm not trying to come across as overly harsh, but the reality is you live in a State that is suffering from a changing world. We lived through a similar situation during the late 80's here in Texas.
You move, you change your profession, or you tighten your belt. You don't expect the Government to somehow way a magic wand and change the way the world works.


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Originally Posted by digitydash
I will also say on the unemployment issue to 10% in 1970 and 5% in 2008 it is not a good comparison in my eyes.They population difference between the two is night and day.
Population number is irrelevant as we are discussing percentages.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Population number is irrelevant as we are discussing percentages.
no, but it IS misleading because you will have tons more people unemployed with the 5% in today's market than you did back in the 70's.
that's why it should be numbers, not percentages, recorded


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Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Yeah, force me to move to another state because all the jobs in the rustbelt went to China! What a novel idea!
Why not pretend it's the 1500's and I am a Native American chasing buffalo across the plains! I mean you gotta go where the food is, right?
Come on, are you serious? In the most advanced economy in the world, you expect people to just up and relocate because the jobs moved somewhere else?
That sounds like something you would see in a third world nomadic country...
Being born and raised in Florida, growing up, people were always coming and going as their familes took jobs here or left for somewhere else. Is it really that asinine of a thought for some people to move for a job?