Another new guy to the hobby. Need suggesstions.

what type of starfish do you have? and if you have some good algae and life on your rock you wont need to feed the shrimp, but if you dont, i feed mine pellets.


Good thread. I too plan on starting a 30 gallon tank very soon. I haven't had a tank in almost a year. Good to re-acquaint myself with the starter info :)


No I don't mean to just feed the shrimp I mean how to feed the shrimp, snails, clams, and crabs I got as well as the star fish, hes a brittle starfish if that helps.
you dont need to feed the snails and crabs. unless you have an extravegent show clam then you dont need to feed those either. for the starfish, i would give it a small cut up piece of either shrimp or clam. also for the shrimp, you can give it a vry small piece of clam,or just pellets..... is that what you wanted?


Active Member
you wont find too many people here that use pellets.get a frozen mult pack can cut them to smaller pieces if you need.


I am using frozen brine atm, was debating getting the multipack last time I was at the LFS but went with these instead. I am also looking into getting a lawnmower blenny and a couple clowns in the next couple of weeks...and maybe a blue tang, i think he will do ok in the 30 gallon. i plan on getting a bigger tank in the next 6 months, maybe a 150, an RO/DI unit and then put the tang in the bigger tank then.


Welcome to SWF!!!! I noticed that no one pointed out that your salinity is a little low try to get it around 1.025. And yummm that shrimp looks gooooood!!!!
For me pellets are amazing. I drop one in near my shrimp and he eats it. Also I can stick my hand in the water with a pellet in it and when he comes to clean my hand he eats it right out. I will try to get a picture Tommorow


I mean it cannot really hurt to try the pellets if they have them, they cant be to expensive. and i was thinking about getting either 1 or 2 cleaner shrimps, would they do ok with peppermint shrimps?


Alright so I have a few questions, everything in the tank is going smooth, a lot smoother than I expected. I have that reef pack and a striped damsel right now, but since I have some more cash laying around I would like to go ahead and add some new fish to the tank. Here is what I plan on getting please let me know if this is going to be ok with what I have in there right now.
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So I was wondering if those 6 fish would be ok in my tank, and if I should order them all at the same time or maybe just 3 first then 3 in a week? Well thanks for the advice in advance =-)


Alright another question while I am here and able to post right now, There are a few tanks on craigslist in the area and I was thinking about starting a smaller tank for my bedroom, maybe just a 10-20 gallon coral tank with maybe a fish or two but i would like that tank to be all about the coral... since Im totally new to that area of this hobby any info would be great, or just point me to some good threads I could read up on after work.


New Member
How long has your tank been set up now? And how long has that damsel been in there? You don't want to add too many new fish at one time. This will cause a spike in the ammonia cycle. Might not be a big deal if you keep an eye on it, but better safe than sorry. Maybe just one or two for now, wait a few weeks, add one or two more, and so on.


The tank has been going for roughly almost 1 and a half months the damsel went in january 5th, cuc went in a week and a half ago. I was thinking of adding 2 then in a week 2 more... but the real question is will my tank be capable of holding all those fish and will those fish be ok with each other?


New Member
I think they'll be ok together, maybe someone else might have a different opinion. I had the trouble before of going to the LFS every week to see new shipments and possibly buying one or two fish every week (I had two tanks, so lots of room) but I struggled with water quality. I think the best way to add fish is to have a 2 to 3 week gap between them. Let your fish adapt to the tank and let your tank adapt to the fish.
I've had all of the fish you listed except the blue hippo tang. I've read that they can be hard fish to keep in new tanks and to wait until your tank is well established before buying one (one year+).
isnt your tank a 30 gallon? a blue hippo tang couldnt go in anything less than a 55. other than that i believe everything else would be okay. flame angels are not completely reef safe, you would have to monitor that