Any Chicago Trader?


Yes they were, got me one about 2-3 inches big. Perfect size for my tank (only a 45 gallon). For $80 after the 20% off. Still a high price but another petshop in Park Ridge is selling them for $199-$299 (that's just wrong). Pet shop in Lombard (tropi-quatics, best fish and invertebrate prices from a LFS that I've ever seen) had them for $75 but they were a very light rose color practically see through. Old town auarium had'em for $70 but were way too big. Here's a pic


lol.................................ooops wrong'd he get up in there???


Tropi-quatics is on Main Street in Lombard. Phone number is 630-953-2696. Call them up for exact address. Best time to go is Sunday that's when they get their stock in. They must purchase from a distributer close by cause no one delivers on sunday. Heard one of the owners say that he actually went to go choose the livestock for the store that morning. Don't know where?
Scarlet skunk shrimp $20 very good deal if you ask me.


Oh., almost forgot, just came back from aquatica. They freakin had 2 hammerhead sharks in a huge tank. Wish I can have one of those. Anyways picked up 2 new inhabitants for my tank. A cling fish (saltwater suckerfish), that my girlfriend thought was very cool looking and a rainbow goby. I was told that they eat hair algae only cost $13 so I'm trying him out. Hopefully my killer 6line won't mess with him.


Hey G13,
I've seen my algae blennys eat some of the algae, but i have soo much of it, i think it will take some time. Plus tomorrow i will need to scrubbed some of the rocks that has too much of it.
i'll keep you posted. if you were near by in lombard, you should have called me and could have gotten together. i live in wheaton.
nice rose btw.


2 growers I know of in IN that sell to some LFS i've heard are harbor and inlandaquatics they are kind of far (Terre Haute, us41 & I70)but inland is huge, 27,000 gallons of production systems, largest recirculating mariculture facility in the world they claim.they are a different name for dealers, inland is thier public store name . Ive looked at they're site it looks like a nice place to check out but while public prices were alright if your used to old town, I've seen better on some stuff. I will DEF be checking them out soon.
again, I dont post links but they are not hard to find and of course anything ordered on-line should come from
Maybe a thread road trip ,lol


Junbug, maybe we can meet up sometime by tropi-quatics.
Good to hear about the algae blennies guess I'll go get one when I get a chance. As for the rainbow goby, can't find him and I'm thinking the 6line got to him. Wish I can catch that sixline so I can trade him in.
bobh95, I noticed that you are a union bricklayer, I'm a sheet metal worker local 73. I have a friend who is looking to apply for the bricklayers but isn't sure where. Loc 73 has closed the books so I can't help him there. If you can help please email me with the info....Thanks,


Hey guys, I'm looking for a hang on refugium with light if possible. Willing to purchase or trade for if possible.


Sounds easy. I'm open for a refugium like that but I'm not sure how to do the installation on it. If I were to go with a small tank or rubbermaid tub I would want to place it in the tank stand out of sight. I'm not too sure where to go from there with the tubing and hoses? I'm completely clueless on it.


well, i have mine in a nother room. but what you can do is put it under the tank if you have a stand.
mine is drained to the same sump and wet and dry as my other tank, but if you dont have a sump, you can use an over flow box from the tank to drain to the fuge and use a punp from the fuge back to the tank. if you choose to do that that way, you dont need to drill your tank.
i have seen some people use fuge and place it above the tank. in that case you want to drill the tank in order to drain to the main tank and use power head from the tank to pump back to the fuge
hope this help. its easier to show you what it looks like. if yo uare ever in the area, let me know and i can show you how mine is set up.