any coral for sale in alabama???


yeah and for more info on the meet google N.A.R.C feburary frag swap i would post the link but it might get deleted


Hear are the details:
PLACE: Coral Reef Aquatics near Athens (see their Website for location and directions --
TIME: 10:30 a.m. till Noon, Saturday, February 24th (you can come as early as 10:00 if you'd like)
10:00--10:45 meet/greet/frag trade
10:45 -- drawings begin and continue periodically throughout the meeting; you must be present to win
11:00--11:15 group discussion on feeding corals -- recommended food types, methods of feeding, etc.
11:15--Noon tank ogling, visiting, eating


haha, yep, that was me! Guess you could tell 'cuz they both about had a heart attack... lol. Hmm... trying to remember which one you were... but I think there were quite a few of you there, weren't there? ... well, okay, maybe only one of you, but you know what I mean... oh, I've gone and confused myself now.

Oh, forgive my ignorance (and wow, have we gone OT or what!) but what might one do at this frag swap... please don't say swap frags....

what I mean is, do people bring pics of their corals and show them off and agree to trade, or what? I mean, surely you guys don't bag up all of your corals and carry 'em with you like a kid with a trading card deck on saturday at BAM? I am intrigued by this, and you can count on me being there... maybe... if I remember... uh... yeah.


actually not to surer on ho wppl bring em there i would bet in bags but i am not sure never been to one
and does Coral Reef Aquatics sell frags cause on their site all the corals looked way too much to b frags


Originally Posted by Ino
haha, yep, that was me! Guess you could tell 'cuz they both about had a heart attack... lol. Hmm... trying to remember which one you were... but I think there were quite a few of you there, weren't there? ... well, okay, maybe only one of you, but you know what I mean... oh, I've gone and confused myself now.

Oh, forgive my ignorance (and wow, have we gone OT or what!) but what might one do at this frag swap... please don't say swap frags....

what I mean is, do people bring pics of their corals and show them off and agree to trade, or what? I mean, surely you guys don't bag up all of your corals and carry 'em with you like a kid with a trading card deck on saturday at BAM? I am intrigued by this, and you can count on me being there... maybe... if I remember... uh... yeah.
yeah there were three of us there,me and my brothers....i was the shortest one.i remember the conversation you had with the guy...
guy:what kind of lighting do you have
you:power compacts
guy:did you buy them or already have them
you:i bought them
guy:aww man
because the power compacts fade really easy
sorry i have to much time on my hands


TONS OF STUFF......what time will you be there tommorow????thats the best swf store ive ever been sorry to say it,but ten times better than lucys


YES! thats wat i was hoping for lucys isnt exaclty the nicest store unles su like the smell of cigaretts and idk w/e my mom feels like takin me do they have frags a good prices?


Originally Posted by kidreef
YES! thats wat i was hoping for lucys isnt exaclty the nicest store unles su like the smell of cigaretts and idk w/e my mom feels like takin me do they have frags a good prices?
yeah they have good prices!!!!what time you gonna be there??