any hispanics?


Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
see thats why i should have never started this thread peopletake it as if it was the end of the world :mad: :mad:
He just posted the same thing you did. Oh I forgot he said "white people".


you know what offends me?
people that get offended. that's pretty much the only thing that offends me. sensative people.
the guy asked if there were hispanics here. in no way whatsoever did he indicate anywhere that hispanics were any better than any other nationality. neither did he have anything negative to say about any other nationality. if he did either of those 2 then you guys can cry racism. asking if there are latinos is no different then asking if there's anyone living in a particular state. no different.
quit being sensative. when you see examples of racism, it's pretty clear. if you don't wanna reply to a thread then don't. OR if you're not hispanic then just say "i'm not". no big deal. the guy never said non-hispanics aren't welcome. if you come to that conclusion then you have yourself, and nobody else, to blame.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
you know what offends me?
people that get offended. that's pretty much the only thing that offends me. sensative people.
the guy asked if there were hispanics here. in no way whatsoever did he indicate anywhere that hispanics were any better than any other nationality. neither did he have anything negative to say about any other nationality. if he did either of those 2 then you guys can cry racism. asking if there are latinos is no different then asking if there's anyone living in a particular state. no different.
quit being sensative. when you see examples of racism, it's pretty clear. if you don't wanna reply to a thread then don't. OR if you're not hispanic then just say "i'm not". no big deal. the guy never said non-hispanics aren't welcome. if you come to that conclusion then you have yourself, and nobody else, to blame.
THANK YOU!!!! gosh... so sensative lol you couldnt put it any better soto!


Originally Posted by soto
you know what offends me?
people that get offended. that's pretty much the only thing that offends me. sensative people.
the guy asked if there were hispanics here. in no way whatsoever did he indicate anywhere that hispanics were any better than any other nationality. neither did he have anything negative to say about any other nationality. if he did either of those 2 then you guys can cry racism. asking if there are latinos is no different then asking if there's anyone living in a particular state. no different.
quit being sensative. when you see examples of racism, it's pretty clear. if you don't wanna reply to a thread then don't. OR if you're not hispanic then just say "i'm not". no big deal. the guy never said non-hispanics aren't welcome. if you come to that conclusion then you have yourself, and nobody else, to blame.
WOW!!! Couldnt have put it any better!!!


WHO CARES if your hispanic,white,black,or asian? Does it really matter to people researching saltwater fish?


Originally Posted by soto
you know what offends me?
people that get offended. that's pretty much the only thing that offends me. sensative people.
the guy asked if there were hispanics here. in no way whatsoever did he indicate anywhere that hispanics were any better than any other nationality. neither did he have anything negative to say about any other nationality. if he did either of those 2 then you guys can cry racism. asking if there are latinos is no different then asking if there's anyone living in a particular state. no different.
quit being sensative. when you see examples of racism, it's pretty clear. if you don't wanna reply to a thread then don't. OR if you're not hispanic then just say "i'm not". no big deal. the guy never said non-hispanics aren't welcome. if you come to that conclusion then you have yourself, and nobody else, to blame.
Oh yea, let me guess your hispanic?


Active Member
I couldn't care less if anyone is hispanic, white, black or asian. But I do have a problem with Sinaloa's post #15 in reaction to Phixers post(#12). When all Phixer does is say more or less, that the reason why we are all here is because we enjoy this hobby. He did not say anything racial whatsoever, but then Sinaloa pulls the racial card. And Sinaloa, yea I am smart. I don't start stupid threads like this one. I just think it is so funny how you want to "restart" this thread since you aren't hearing what you want to hear i.e. "LET ME RESTART THIS WHOLE THING ......ANYONE POST HERE AND TELL ME WHAT RACE YOU ARE I DONT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE." Like I said, I'm not offended non-hispanics where left out of this thread, I just think its stupid how you reacted to Phixer's post, which was harmless to say the least. Oh yea, I don't think anyone really cares what anyone else's nationality or race is except for YOU.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
you know what offends me?
people that get offended. that's pretty much the only thing that offends me. sensative people.
the guy asked if there were hispanics here. in no way whatsoever did he indicate anywhere that hispanics were any better than any other nationality. neither did he have anything negative to say about any other nationality. if he did either of those 2 then you guys can cry racism. asking if there are latinos is no different then asking if there's anyone living in a particular state. no different.
quit being sensative. when you see examples of racism, it's pretty clear. if you don't wanna reply to a thread then don't. OR if you're not hispanic then just say "i'm not". no big deal. the guy never said non-hispanics aren't welcome. if you come to that conclusion then you have yourself, and nobody else, to blame.
Why even bring it up? Statements like the first one are meant for one reason to divide and separate.


you can read my first reply in this thread to take the guesswork out. and it doesn't matter if i'm Swahili. what race i am doesn't have anything to do with what i said.


Originally Posted by 04mach
Oh yea, let me guess your hispanic?
you can read my first reply in this thread to take the guesswork out. and it doesn't matter if i'm Swahili. what race i am doesn't have anything to do with what i said


Originally Posted by seannmelly
Oh yea, I don't think anyone really cares what anyone else's nationality or race is except for YOU.
well, t' tell you the truth, i don't really care where anyone lives, what their jobs are, what schools they go to, or what flavor of yogurt they prefer. but it's off-topic. people always start threads here asking for other people's feedback on pointless crap.
the whole purpose of those threads are just to get people to reply and give us something to yack about while we kill time at work, home, or school. race, religion, ethnicity, and political preferences are no different in regards to this. the only difference is when sensative people come into play.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
well, t' tell you the truth, i don't really care where anyone lives, what their jobs are, what schools they go to, or what flavor of yogurt they prefer. but it's off-topic. people always start threads here asking for other people's feedback on pointless crap.
the whole purpose of those threads are just to get people to reply and give us something to yack about while we kill time at work, home, or school. race, religion, ethnicity, and political preferences are no different in regards to this. the only difference is when sensative people come into play.

I didn't say that you yourself cared. Sinaloa is getting his panties in a twist when someone more or less says this thread is pointless. Just because he isn't hearing what he wants to hear, he gets upset.


Originally Posted by soto
and it doesn't matter if i'm Swahili. what race i am doesn't have anything to do with what i said
EXACTLY,Who cares????????? Thats my point about this whole thread!


Originally Posted by Phixer
Why even bring it up then? Statements like the first one are meant for one reason to divide and separate.
not really. i could understand if it was a TV station geared towards a certain ethnic group (BET) or a protest in the city with a million people waving Mexican flags because that shows millions and millions of people pride in separation. but, dude, it's just 1 outt've 1000s of threads started up on an internet message board. not too big of a deal.
for that matter, i could complain to about that one message board geared for clownfish owners. i don't own a clownfish! why are they creating something that separates me from the rest of the posters??? it's dividing and separating! there's really no difference unless you're totally touchy about ethnicities. who cares? it's just a bunch of fore-fathers who settled in various parts of the world. whoopdee doo. sure we're all here cause we own saltwater tanks but there's dozens of discussion boards on this site for saltwater-related chats. this is off-topic and he's bringing up somethin off-topic.


Originally Posted by seannmelly
I didn't say that you yourself cared. Sinaloa is getting his panties in a twist when someone more or less says this thread is pointless. Just because he isn't hearing what he wants to hear, he gets upset.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
well, t' tell you the truth, i don't really care where anyone lives, what their jobs are, what schools they go to, or what flavor of yogurt they prefer. but it's off-topic. people always start threads here asking for other people's feedback on pointless crap.
the whole purpose of those threads are just to get people to reply and give us something to yack about while we kill time at work, home, or school. race, religion, ethnicity, and political preferences are no different in regards to this. the only difference is when sensative people come into play.
Concur, so any how got to work on a paper for an economics class. This is sure to start some controversy. Prison labor.