Are you a loser if.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Have some piece and quiet and more money.............
Yeah, but you'd be malnourished 'cause you'd have no one to feed you grapes...
Ofice-you can't call my bluf. A woman never shows her true identity until you've wined and dined her and atleast bought her something fantabulous so she knows she's got you hooked.


Active Member
Actually both of you that gave advice gave very good advice.
I currently found a girl that I used to know from high school and we recently started hanging out. I am not attracted to her even though she is a cute girl... and amazingly enough I can talk to her without being shy one bit.. and thats a big deal for me seeing as how im always shy. She is actually shy around me though because she is very attracted to me... isnt that sad? I dont want her but she wants me.... so sad. Either way I feel this will help boost my confidence when I do find a girl I like......... at least maybe it will :)
Also to the other person that said I need to accept myself and be comfortable with me before anything else also gave great advice. I've been trying to do that... I am very self conscious about my looks. My exgirlfriend told me I was cute and whatever.. but she was probably only being nice because she was stuck with me for so long! Anyways she coulda been trying to be nice right? When she looked funny i'd still tell her how beautiful she was :p lol... dang i'm bad.. anyways! I am currently working on getting to know 'me' and bettering myself physically and mentally.. so... right now i'm not wanting a girlfriend.. but when the time comes hopefully i'll be more comfortable with myself and things will alllllllllllllll work out.
You want a pic fo me? I have a pic I took a few weeks ago that I keep on so here it is.
ps: thanks a lot for the tips - it's greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Actually both of you that gave advice gave very good advice.
I currently found a girl that I used to know from high school and we recently started hanging out. I am not attracted to her even though she is a cute girl... and amazingly enough I can talk to her without being shy one bit.. and thats a big deal for me seeing as how im always shy. She is actually shy around me though because she is very attracted to me... isnt that sad? I dont want her but she wants me.... so sad. Either way I feel this will help boost my confidence when I do find a girl I like......... at least maybe it will :)
Also to the other person that said I need to accept myself and be comfortable with me before anything else also gave great advice. I've been trying to do that... I am very self conscious about my looks. My exgirlfriend told me I was cute and whatever.. but she was probably only being nice because she was stuck with me for so long! Anyways she coulda been trying to be nice right? When she looked funny i'd still tell her how beautiful she was :p lol... dang i'm bad.. anyways! I am currently working on getting to know 'me' and bettering myself physically and mentally.. so... right now i'm not wanting a girlfriend.. but when the time comes hopefully i'll be more comfortable with myself and things will alllllllllllllll work out.
You want a pic fo me? I have a pic I took a few weeks ago that I keep on so here it is.
ps: thanks a lot for the tips - it's greatly appreciated.
Speg. Darling. "Cute" is not the word. But I'm married, so I can't say the right one

Besides, relying on external validation isn't healthy. YOU have to be comfortable in your own skin. Well, as much as humanely possible. And when you figure out how to do so - please...let me know!
I think we ALL could use some help in this department, so don't feel alone

Glad u've got a female friend - and glad it's helping. Also, VERY pleased to hear you haven't put yourself back on the market yet - Now's your chance to reacquaint yourself with the most important person in your life - you! You're off to a great start. Here's to new beginings and lots of growth! :jumping:


Active Member
... Now the 'female friend' who is literally my 'only friend' has such a hard crush on me that she thinks we might not be able to be friends at all.
Life is so retarded.. I wish so much that I could go back and start my life completely over knowing what I know now... I am sure everybody wishes that.. but things would be so perfect... so perfect.


earlier this evening, the receptionist held me hostage and we ended up at office depot. i didn't expect to see the subject there, but she was there. at this point i was ready to turn around and flee. the receptionist jerked my jacket so i couldn't escape. i went on to find some stuff i could hide behind but the receptionist headed straight for the subject's direction. i was thinking oh my freaking god, slow down there, tiger.
so we stood in line while the subject helped a customer. the customer was an old dude and he was taking forever with some crap. so we waited. while we were waiting i signaled the receptionist asking if she saw any ring on the fingers. she whispered no so that part was sure. then i started talking to myself and pacing around. receptionist took a hold of me and told me to calm my ass down. i did for about 5 seconds and proceeded to rocking back and forth.
finally the subject finished helping the old dude and we walked up to the subject. i said what i had to say and referred to the receptionist as the wing girl. i introduced myself, gave her my card, and asked her if i could buy her coffee some time and that she didn't have to decide right there but to give me a call when she's ready. she said she'll call and i said great i'll see her then.
i know the receptionist said something and stuff but i was in a zone and totally unaware of what was going on around me. i think i got real red and a couple words came out wrong but her expressions told me that she at least didn't find me repelling or annoying.
i think i did okay.


Active Member

and WHO is your receptionist and WHEN can we present her with "Awesomest Person" Award??? :jumping:


Active Member
First of all I would have LOVED to see this.....second of all that receptionist should be my twin, because that is what I would have done had I been with you too.
So you said what we pounded in your head and it worked!! cheesy phones involved..

Now, don't you feel better???

Whew......... :cheer:


Active Member
Before Turkey Day.........almost TWO months

your welcome, I take cash donations

So what numbers are on the card??


i couldn't sleep so i woke up (not really coz i wasn't really asleep) at 5am and i am in the office now already

what is your excuse to be awake?