Astrowars anyone?


Active Member
ok, i signed up with Nemo and posted for advice on what to since they are a warrior most of the people focus on just building the ships? or is better to balance your stuff out? its hard waiting for points to


Well we try to build on infrastructure to begin with, get our ducks in a row.
First build up robotics, this gives you more points right away. give you a for instance.
Start your first 5 points on robotics, this will take you to level 2 and give you 2 points. When you get your next 8 points also put that into robotics to give you 3 production points per hour. The spend your next 5 on hydroponics, this will speed up your population. your next 5 points on cybernetics, this will speed up your next culture spot for a new planet. Then start over again with robotics get two more levels, then another in hydroponics and anther in cybernetics, then you can spend some more on the other basics. As the population goes up so do your production points. Population adds to production and science.
In the meantime you work on science like social science and Biology. If your social science is 6 points higher than a given population then in 24 hours it will boost a planet up by 1, that's a bonus. Biology gives you a larger map area. you can click on those sciences and read more about them.
When you get 10 planets we work on fleets and trade agreements, and then it gets more interesting.


Active Member
Early on try to spend as much as possible on infrastructure. That 1 PP/hr will become a lot more as your growth is nearly exponential. I am producing ~1500 PPs/hr at the end of this game. Also, try to build infrastructure as soon as possible after you have the necessary points. In the beginning, try not to build starbases or destroyers unless necessary as they will not help your growth.
Let us know your username and system number during this intergame, we can send anyone a few destroyers to help level yourselves up. You can then sell the Supply Unit and get ~1000 PPs.
Emphasize culture early on. If you can colonize a free planet before the start of the next round, hopefully we can get you into NEMO and help you along during the real game. Once you are accepted into the alliance, you can see how other players are building to give yourselves an idea what you should be doing.


Active Member
wow, thanks for all the help guys, feel like i'm a new in the air squad and getting preped for my first mission,lol.....this time that i first started i accidently blew all my points on the farms..up to level 15 already, but of course it as harder to get everything i think i'm up to much time do you guys spend on this a day?? is it something where i need to constantly check this during the day to see whats going on?


Originally Posted by Bronco300
how much time do you guys spend on this a day?? is it something where i need to constantly check this during the day to see whats going on?
It usually only takes a few minutes each time. But the more you log on during the first few weeks the better. Timing is key here. you start with 1 point per hour, so you know in 5 hours you get 5 points, log in then and spend that first 5 on your robotics, this will double your output to 2. If you wait 10 hours to log in then you will still only get that 1 point per hour when you could have had an extra 5....get it. you will get the hang of it when you start juggling multiple planets.


Active Member
you betcha!! thank....just about have this there a way to tell when your points will come? like i get 16 per i should find out when the 16 actually come, but is there a better way than just waiting like that?
do you think guys i should try to join NEMO, or should i just go straight to OMEN?
oh and so i'm trying to take over my first was pretty stupid of me to attack them first huh...because if i send just transports with one destroyer the buildings would last better right?? i sent two destroyers first and took out their starbases...


Well if you are making 16 points per hour then you will most likely get 4 about every 15 minutes.
Go ahead and try to join NEMO and OMEN, just put a post in both and tell them that you are applying for one or the other, you will most likely live longer in an alliance.
There will always be damage to a planets infrastructure when you take it, but it is better to take an established planet than to start a free planet.


A NEMO attack can go like this. Lets say this is a colonized system with a AW member on each planet. Several NEMO warriors will come in on one planet called the Airport.
Planet 1
Planet 2
Planet 3
Planet 4
Planet 5
Planet 6< Attack coming in with 6 or 7 Nemo's timed several minutes apart.
Planet 7
Planet 8
Planet 9
Planet 10
Planet 11
Planet 12
Perhpas one NEMO will open the airport with open culture. Now the rest of the Nemo's will launch, because the planet is now a part of the NEMO alliance then this will cut the time to travel to that planet in half. When the rest come in they will be assigned targets so they will hit the airport and then spread out to the remaining planets. Others with open culture can then come in freeing up the warriors and take/hold the planet.
This type of attack will devastate the airport if further transports come in. We call that a slag heap, but someone has to take it.
What is amazing it that sometimes these time on target attacks are within minutes of each other without fleets colliding.


Active Member a NEMO alliance member will open his airport and open his culture(how do you open your culture?) ? then they other nemos will come and land in? i'm not sure i get that attack....then once landed they disperse to another? to attack all at once, or within minutes? sorry...

oh, and i applied for both


As with every science you grow in them, when your culture reaches 2 you are able to get another planet, usually you launch before you culture up and land after the culture hits to get the shortest amount of time. You must also log in after you culture so the system recognizes that your culture has gone up a level, then you can colonize/take a new planet.
The nemo attack is where they all go into the airport, land and then go to another planet immediatly so the next nemo can land at the same airport and then bounce to his/her target which is different than the first nemo's. For the example below they all land on Planet 6, but from there they all choose seperate targets.
Planet 1
Planet 2< Nemo 5 to attack
Planet 3
Planet 4< Nemo 4 to attack
Planet 5 <Nemo 1 to attack
Planet 6< Attack coming in with 6 or 7 Nemo's timed several minutes apart.
Planet 7
Planet 8< Nemo 3 to attack
Planet 9
Planet 10
Planet 11<Nemo 2 to attack
Planet 12


Active Member
oh, is it so the attacks can be time better? so instead of leaving from who knows where and getting there at different times hours apart, they can land at one spot, then all leave close to the same time and have attack after attack.


They must arrive at seperate times, if the fleet in front does not leave before the fleet after then they collide and battle in friendly fire, thats not good, just a waste of fleet.


Active Member
i see, so this controls that a bit better? this is gonna be fun,lol i love strategic games, especially once i understand what exactly im doing,lol....looks like i'll be starting with OMEN, just waiting to hear from them


Active Member
so i have 4transporters flying to the planet right now which should overtake it just fine...i think, but i created another just in case, his population is 4 and no after his population goes to 0, i will get control of the planet, right? then i can transfer points there, my question is i have the 4 in flight, and i just built another, but it isnt showing the the "fleet" section...but in the planet bulding section it shows "1" under the level.


Bronco I'm not sure what your seeing can you copy paste?
you guys will find that the game will go away for 2 or 3 days prior to the new round, it will just be gone. So practice while you can.


Staff member
Do the NEMOS still have CORE or is their champion alliance something else now?